Tag Archives: prefessional development

Accreditation Solutions

Accreditation solutions that work for your school, college, or university. USE YOUR VALUABLE TRAINING AND CONSULTING DOLLARS WISELY.

Your accreditation embodies the excellence and innovation that your institution strives to be known for. We can assist in creating a professional product that you and your institution can be proud of by bringing our experience and expertise to this important process.

The Company of Experts, Inc. provides a range of services to help colleges and universities facilitate their accreditation or the re-affirmation of their accreditation while engaging stakeholders to assess and identify strengths for full buy-in of the accreditation standards and organizational outcomes.

Colleges and Universities are facing fiscal and accountability challenges during a time of unique opportunities to create new programs and services to students. The accreditation process has become more demanding to demonstrate performance outcomes and an increasingly visible means for colleges and universities to demonstrate measurable performance improvement.

Accreditation services are provided by educators and administrators that have had direct experience within an organization, just like yours, as well as collaborating with various accrediting bodies. They understand your needs and your unique challenges. Why hire someone for this crucial role who has to learn about the accreditation processes affecting colleges, schools, and universities? Hire an expert…

Company of Experts, Inc. is a service provider for the American Association of Community College

Areas of Expertise:

  • Accreditation Self-Study Support
  • Assessing Intended Learning Outcomes
  • Assistance with writing and proofreading accreditation self-study documents
  • Collaboration with Accrediting Organizations
  • Designing, developing, and maintaining an accreditation website for all stakeholders working on the accreditation process
  • Developing faculty and staff learning and professional development programs
  • Editing and Planning
  • Mock Accreditation Panels
  • Research, evaluation, and stakeholder engagement for program development and enhancement
  • Restructuring
  • Strategic Planning
  • Team Development

Look for accreditation services?

Please fill out the contact form below and will we contact you about your inquiry. Thank you

Appreciative Coaching

Appreciative coaching is different than other coaching and mentoring offerings. Appreciative coaching is deeply rooted in the principles of Appreciative Inquiry. It focuses on what has and is working in your professional and personal lives and is designed to capitalize on an individual, group, or organization’s strengths – generating positive changes in performance, professional development, and organizational leadership.

During appreciative coaching sessions, problems are acknowledged, but are used only as tools for learning. Appreciative coaching takes the best and helps make it better by expanding people’s capacity to perform and by channeling their abilities for the greatest impact. This approach to coaching will take the client from good to great because it fosters personal transformation through innate talent and inherent strength, increasing the likelihood of producing longer lasting results quickly.

Appreciative coaching is a shared experience between the coach and the client. Together, the coach and the client collaborate to build a design for the future, develop strategies, and construct supporting actions for success. The relationship formed between the coach and the client is one of discovery. By intensely listening, asking unconditionally positive questions, and offering sincere encouragement, the coach facilitates the process for the client to unearth their own answers and to take responsibility for acting on them. By increasing the client’s self-awareness, they will understand how to better employ their strengths. Appreciative Coaching is the truest form of empowerment.

Appreciative Coaching is useful for: Leaders in business and corporations, community development, educational organizations, governmental agencies, and non-profit organizations.

Interested in receiving Appreciative Coaching?

Please fill out the information below and we will contact you to schedule your Appreciative Coaching session.

Ask an Expert

Real People, Real Answers

Get answers to your important questions with the help of our Experts on Call! The Company of Experts hosts a series of webinars and telephone conferences that connects you with industry experts who can answer questions on a wide variety of relevant and specialized topics. Each webinar will feature a new Expert on Call – offering new insights and perspectives to your questions. Experts on Call are selected based on their unique background and expertise.

Established in 1989, Company of Experts, Inc. is an international network of people with outstanding expertise in numerous areas. This network of individuals service the needs of community colleges, schools and universities, businesses and corporations, governmental agencies, and non-profit organizations.

The Company of Experts’ “Ask an Expert” program was created to provide our friends with an interactive space in which they can freely and openly ask questions. It is our commitment to fostering a comfortable and relaxed online space to share information, wisdom, and expertise ensures that you will get the right answer to your questions. The webinars/phone conferences are low cost, with fees charged to cover costs to support technology, and support.

What topics or questions would you most like to explore during an Ask an Expert session? Your curiosity and questions help to enhance the dialogue and learning for all those involved. Kindly send your topic of interest to Kathy at Kathy@CompanyofExperts.net, call the office at (702) 228-4699, or submit your question below.

Ask our Experts a question today:


Referral Program

Being a friend of the Company of Experts has its rewards- like getting credit towards any of our renowned workshops, trainings, and webinars just for referring your friends, family, and coworkers! In fact, every time you refer a friend who participates in an event – regardless if it is an on-site training, online workshop, or webinar – you will receive a credit equal to 10% of the event price that may be applied toward any event of your choice. For example, refer a friend who then registers for an AIFT at $1,100 – you will receive a credit for $110 dollars that can be applied to any event held by the Company of Experts or any of its affiliate companies.

To receive the credit, your friend must list your full name when registering for the event. After registration is paid in full, you will receive an email containing the amount of credit earned to date. There is no limit to the amount of credit you can receive. The credit earned cannot be redeemed for cash.

If you have questions about our “Refer a Friend” program, please read our “Refer a Friend” FAQs or contact our office at (702) 228-4699.

Contact Us

Want to get in touch with us? We always appreciate hearing from you!

(702) 228-4699

(702) 906-1498 (fax)


Kathy Becker
President and CEO

Kathy@CompanyofExperts.net(for information about our programs & services)

Jim Pulliam
Vice President


Melissa Robaina
Sustainable Training Solutions Coordinator

Melissa@CompanyofExperts.net(for information about our websites, event promotions, event registration, or social media networks)

Complete Event Calendar
Get Connected with Company of Experts
Send us some “Snail Mail”
P.O. Box 371062, Las Vegas, Nevada 89137
Ask an Expert

Do you have questions regarding our programs, trainings, consulting, or coaching? How may we help you? Fill out the contact form and you will receive a response within two (2) business days.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Video Gallery

212o – The Extra DegreeAt 211 degrees, water is hot. At 212 degrees, it boils. And with boiling water, comes steam. And with steam, you can power a train.One extra degree = Exponential results
A Letter to MandelaShikaya is a non-profit civil society organisation that recognises the crucial role that teachers can play in deepening and strengthening South Africa’s democracy. As such, Shikaya supports the personal and professional development of teachers to create a South Africa in which young people in schools are inspired and supported to become responsible citizens and future leaders in our democracy, valuing diversity, human rights and peace.This short feature is part of an interactive multimedia programme, Up2Us, which is being created for South African schools. Up2Us will give young people the opportunity to explore their identity, issues of prejudice and what it means to be an active democratic citizen so that they are more likely to feel inspired and motivated to take action in society.
A Vision of Students Todaya short video summarizing some of the most important characteristics of students today – how they learn, what they need to learn, their goals, hopes, dreams, what their lives will be like, and what kinds of changes they will experience in their lifetime.
Changing Education ParadigmsThis animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA’s Benjamin Franklin award.
CNA Qatar Strategic Planning ProcessA brief overview of Phase 1 of the CNAQ Strategic Planning process using Appreciative Inquiry.
CNAQ Strategic Planning – Phase 1Second video produced by CNA Qatar – using Appreciative Inquiry to help develop their institution’s 5 year strategic plan.
Coping with Change at WorkChange is a necessary part of business and that can cause stress among employees. Caty Everett, vice president at Alliance Leadership, explains how being transparent and engaging team members in the process can reduce anxiety.
Did you know??Globalization & The Information Age.
Embrace Life: A New Online Ad with a TwistA new campaign called Embrace Life is tackling an old-age issue in a very different way.
How to Start a New Job: Dodging LandminesThose first few days on a new job can be stressful. Roberta “Bobbie” LaPorte, a career and leadership coach, discusses how to make a great first impression and hit the ground running
Learning Styles Don’t ExistProfessor Daniel Willingham describes research showing that learning styles are a myth
Managing During Difficult TimesCaty Everett, vice president of Alliance Leadership, explains how to maintain your credibility and executive presence during turbulent times.
Smile & MoveIt’s all about attitude & action. Mattering to the world all with a smile.
The Opportunity of AdversityThe thesaurus might equate “disabled” with synonyms like “useless” and “mutilated,” but ground-breaking runner Aimee Mullins is out to redefine the word. Defying these associations, she hows how adversity — in her case, being born without shinbones — actually opens the door for human potential.
Tomorrow’s Cities“Tomorrow’s Cities”, a succinct and inspiring film (15 minutes long), presents a compelling and easy to understand account of the major developmental challenges facing our cities in South Africa and more broadly cities of the global south. Framed within these challenges, the film unfolds a vision, through the voice of a school child and exciting use of animation, and proposes practical solutions towards achieving breathable, sustainable, equitable and low carbon urban futures.The film is intended as a learning tool to raise discussion and awareness and ultimately inspire action toward the development of sustainable and equitable, low carbon cities.

Free Resources

Appreciative Inquiry Resources:

Faculty Resources:

Presentation Resources:

Professional Resources:

Search Resources:

Social Networking Resources:

Video Gallery: (view here)

Success Stories/Case Studies

The documents found below are just a few of the practicums that have been submitted by individuals who have undergone our 4-day Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training (AIFT) program. We celebrate in their achievements and enjoy learning how Appreciative Inquiry has influenced their lives – personally and professionally. We are so appreciative of the clients we serve and the joy they bring to our work. New stories are posted frequently, so check back often to see what new stories have been posted. Enjoy!

Bermuda College - Strategic Planning Using AI

Bermuda College – Strategic Planning Using AI

Quinn Practicum Cover

Kirtland Community College – Strategic Planning Using AI

COE Anniversary EditionCompany of Experts Anniversary Collection


Inspiring Parents and Teachers to Collaborate in Developing Dynamic, Strengths-Based Relationships

Delta College Ai Success Story

Delta College – Appreciative Inquiry (Ai) in the Classroom

Excelptional Classroom Learning Experiences: Breaking Down Language Barriers

Exceptional Classroom Learning Experiences: Breaking Down Language Barriers

Taking a Stand Against Corruption in the Red Zone with Appreciative Inquiry

Taking a Stand Against Corruption in the Red Zone with Appreciative Inquiry


Developing the Meaning and Value of Institutional Research


Using Appreciative Inquiry to Re-Imagine our College Strategy


Networking for a Mission: A Special Gathering of Notre Dame Educators


Building Capacity for Quality Improvement at Southeast Inc.


Coming Together: Envisioning the Future of Communication at the Univ. of MD


Creating Patient Centered Care through Inquiry

cna-qatarAppreciative Inquiry at College of the North Atlantic – Qatar
luke-youngeAppreciative Inquiry at UNIMA South Africa

kyle-hannah_ai-practicumMotivating Teachers to Create Positive Change within Learning Environments

ai-in-the-salamanca-city-central-school-districtAppreciative Inquiry in the Salamanca City Central School District

southeast-inc-appreciative inquiry practicum_Company of ExpertsProviding comprehensive behavioral healthcare at Southeast, Inc.
creating-revolutionary-change-through-the-process-of-appreciative-inquiry_4wordCreating Revolutionary Change through the process of Appreciative Inquiry
Becoming the Most Frequented Restaurant through Extraordinary Hospitality & Culinary Excellence

Creating a Vibrant Learning Group Conducive to Transformation and Growth

Creating a Compelling Image of the Future Being Our Best Together Discovering You at Your Best Using Appreciative Inquiry
Exploring a Relationships using Appreciative Inquiry Empowering Off-Campus Students by Providing Opportunities that Enhance their College Experience Appreciative Inquiry into Math Success Factors
Incorporating Interprofessional Education (IPE) into the Health Sciences Programs Building Organizational Capacity: Moving Adjunct Experience from “Good” to “Great”


Internships are available each semester (fall, winter break, spring, and summer). Internships include paid and unpaid. This is a busy and fun corporate environment. The Company of Experts develops and delivers corporate training programs. The Company shares office space and provides staffing support to a software development company. If you are interested in gaining valuable experience in a busy and growing company, please send a resume and cover letter telling us which of the 6 positions you are applying for to Kathy at Kathy@CompanyofExperts.net

Internship Requirements:

* Must be a current full-time or part-time college student in Clark County

* Minimum GPA Requirement is a 3.0

Internship Job Description:

The work is varied with new learning experiences every day. The duties may include any and all of the duties list below. Working with two small start-up companies with a vision for making a difference, you will have the opportunity to learn new skills and be part of a dynamic and growing team.

Internship Positions Available:

General Office

The general administration office has two openings each semester for an organized, self-motivated individuals to assist with the general administration functions for each company. Duties include: assisting with internship paperwork, applications, and orientation; helping coordinate workshops and training programs as well as technical software development meetings; daily accounting activities and client support via telephone and the internet; and working to complete various administrative and organizational tasks.


This fast-moving, dynamic work environment is best suited for students with an interest in the following career fields: Public Relations, Marketing, copywriting, promotion or Advertising Sales.

Projects may include assisting in research analysis such as surveys and other research used to gain clients for both companies. Knowledge of MS Excel and MS Word is a must. Other basic computer knowledge in Office programs is helpful. One to two interns will are necessary.

Sales Development

Two to three interns are needed to assist the advertising sales representatives who handle in-house mail order and classified sales. The interns will aid in sales efforts, maintain lists of clients and update the online registration system. They will also help plan and organize training programs and services. Duties include: typing, filing and phone prospecting, as well as special projects throughout the semester.

Content Development

Content Development needs three students to assist the department in developing and producing a variety of training programs and workshops including online and webinars. Interns in typically assist with the following activities: fact checking, proofreading, photo research, new business research, brainstorming sessions and advertising projects

New Media/Social Networking

One bright, enthusiastic, motivated student to assist with various projects that may include proofreading, research, blogging, online editing, writing and managing content. Ideal candidate works well with others as well as independently. Multimedia experience preferred. Interns should have an excellent eye for detail, possess superior language skills and be interested in web publishing/design.


One intern is needed in the Technology department for 10 hours per week. Intern will perform minor troubleshooting for windows-based systems and windows software, including active directory audits. Intern will assist in updating existing databases maintained for software, hardware and wiring and maintaining supply inventories. Intern will be involved with updating workstations with recent patches to Windows XP. Other duties include administrative and organizational tasks. Experience with Outlook, Word and Excel are necessary. Ability to be detailed-oriented and keep accurate records a must.