Tag Archives: experts on call


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Barbara Kerr

Barbara Kerr

Barbara A. Kerr has worked in higher education as a faculty member, an administrator, a consultant, and an executive coach. As part of her consulting services, she has assisted three Washington State college boards in hiring their college presidents, and has facilitated the hiring of many other college administrators and faculty. Currently, Barbara is the principal of a Seattle-based consulting firm that provides coaching and consulting services to government, non-profits, higher education, and business organizations.

Barbara has completed a post-graduate training course as a Master Certified Executive Coach and is a certified administrator of the EQ-i, an emotional intelligence inventory, as well as a number of other assessments to assist individuals, teams, and organizations in moving forward. She has developed a unique dual coaching process that provides individual coaching for executives while at the same improves and enhances the work of the executive team as a whole. She has developed expertise in working with individuals and teams to assist them in clarifying their values, creating a vision in alignment with those values, building a plan of action, and supporting the implementation and assessment of the plan. She has also developed an interactive board game to assist clients in better understanding the concepts of emotional intelligence, as well as how to enhance their own competencies. She is the author of several books, including “Read All Your Life” and co-author of “You Can Choose Your Own Life.”

Her clients have included many two and four-year colleges and universities, Center for Information Services, Commission on Colleges and Universities, United States Navy, the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, the Washington Educational Leadership Association, Olympic Mental Health Associates, Washington Mutual Bank, the Charles Moriarty Foundation, and a number of individual executives and administrators. Barbara has a Ph.D and an M.A. in English from Temple University.


  • Accreditation and program assessment
  • Board Training and Development
  • Chief Executive Officer evaluation
  • Coach and Counseling
  • Communication
  • Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
  • Employee Development
  • Environmental Scanning
  • Executive Coaching
  • Facilitation
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Coaching
  • Meetings
  • Strategic Planning
  • Team Building
  • Team Development
  • Values Clarification
  • Visioning and Futuring

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Experts on Call

Since 1989, Company of Experts, Inc., has sought out the most qualified Coaches, Consultants, Facilitators and Trainers within their specialized subject field. Each person has a strong commitment to the theory and practice of their subject area bringing a balance of education, consulting and on-the-job experience to bring unique real-world richness to our training.

With Experts on Call (EOC) located throughout the World, we can provide training and consulting on-site at a reasonable rate. Each Expert on Call strives to create a learning environment that is open, respectful and focused to ensure that you will have practical and relevant experience to immediately use when you return to work.

Ways to connect with clients

Connecting with new clients is complex. Experts on Call share branding and name recognition to build new and enhanced connections with clients and other consultants world-wide. This is an important social network that combines professional identities with enhanced brand capacity.

Leverage your membership as an Expert on Call by:

  • Designing your Expert on Call profile to indicate you’re taking new clients and serious about your business.
  • Your picture can create an instant connection with potential clients. Make sure your photo shows you in a professional, positive light. You will need a web ready picture to upload onto your webpage on the Company of Experts site.
  • Create a 140-character resume, a concise summary describing your skills, what you’re interested in so that a client will want to find out more. Clients and others will be able to connect directly to your email address for more information or to click onto your Expert on Call webpage for more.
  • Create a more detailed two paragraph summary. This will be next to your picture on your Expert on Call webpage. You will be able to post your full resume/vita onto your portfolio here
  • Consider creating a short video highlighting your skills or showing you at your best to add to your portfolio
  • Have your written books, articles, designed workshops that you would like to share? You will be able to post those on your portfolio or sell in the store
  • Connect with other Experts on Call – those you share an interest with and those you’d like to work with.
  • Help us by writing new material for the Company of Experts webpage. Follow us on social media, participate in twitter chats
  • Participate in virtual meetings
  • Attend the virtual Conference (fall of each year)
  • Attend the live Conference (Spring of each year)
  • Offer free and low cost workshops to other Experts on Call – build your expertise and enhance your relationships
  • Volunteer to serve on working groups

Expert on Call Membership Requirements:

The requirements for Expert on Call Membership simple and straight-forward. Membership requirements if the Business or Professional Member:

  1. Support and continually work to embody the business values of the Company of Experts (refer to the values listed below).
  2. Conduct business in a fair, legal and ethical manner.
  3. Is current with its membership dues (refer to the information under the “Dues” tab above).

Membership Approval

All applications for Expert on Call Membership are subject to approval by the EOC Review Committee. If Membership is not accepted fees paid (minus the evaluation review fee will be refunded).