Tag Archives: experts on call

Success Through Emotional and Social Intelligence

Title: Success Through Emotional and Social Intelligence

Location: Online Workshop

Date: January 11 – 29, 2010

Register: Click here

Description: We can no longer afford to pretend that emotions are not part of the workplace. In fact, ignoring emotions can result in costly lawsuits, lack of productivity, contentious bargaining, and loss of good employees. But the good news is that we can not only measure emotional intelligence but also learn ways to enhance it. We can improve our skills in managing our emotions, we can learn effective ways to cope with that difficult employee or that insensitive boss, and we can build resilience despite the inevitable stresses and changes in our lives.

This workshop provides an opportunity to begin a journey toward your vision of success by developing and enhancing your Emotional and Social Intelligence. You will also learn the importance of maintaining your own balance and resilience despite the stresses of the workplace—and stresses from outside work that may affect your performance. Learn More>

Free Resources

Appreciative Inquiry Resources:

Faculty Resources:

Presentation Resources:

Professional Resources:

Search Resources:

Social Networking Resources:

Video Gallery: (view here)

Success Stories/Case Studies

The documents found below are just a few of the practicums that have been submitted by individuals who have undergone our 4-day Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training (AIFT) program. We celebrate in their achievements and enjoy learning how Appreciative Inquiry has influenced their lives – personally and professionally. We are so appreciative of the clients we serve and the joy they bring to our work. New stories are posted frequently, so check back often to see what new stories have been posted. Enjoy!

Bermuda College - Strategic Planning Using AI

Bermuda College – Strategic Planning Using AI

Quinn Practicum Cover

Kirtland Community College – Strategic Planning Using AI

COE Anniversary EditionCompany of Experts Anniversary Collection


Inspiring Parents and Teachers to Collaborate in Developing Dynamic, Strengths-Based Relationships

Delta College Ai Success Story

Delta College – Appreciative Inquiry (Ai) in the Classroom

Excelptional Classroom Learning Experiences: Breaking Down Language Barriers

Exceptional Classroom Learning Experiences: Breaking Down Language Barriers

Taking a Stand Against Corruption in the Red Zone with Appreciative Inquiry

Taking a Stand Against Corruption in the Red Zone with Appreciative Inquiry


Developing the Meaning and Value of Institutional Research


Using Appreciative Inquiry to Re-Imagine our College Strategy


Networking for a Mission: A Special Gathering of Notre Dame Educators


Building Capacity for Quality Improvement at Southeast Inc.


Coming Together: Envisioning the Future of Communication at the Univ. of MD


Creating Patient Centered Care through Inquiry

cna-qatarAppreciative Inquiry at College of the North Atlantic – Qatar
luke-youngeAppreciative Inquiry at UNIMA South Africa

kyle-hannah_ai-practicumMotivating Teachers to Create Positive Change within Learning Environments

ai-in-the-salamanca-city-central-school-districtAppreciative Inquiry in the Salamanca City Central School District

southeast-inc-appreciative inquiry practicum_Company of ExpertsProviding comprehensive behavioral healthcare at Southeast, Inc.
creating-revolutionary-change-through-the-process-of-appreciative-inquiry_4wordCreating Revolutionary Change through the process of Appreciative Inquiry
Becoming the Most Frequented Restaurant through Extraordinary Hospitality & Culinary Excellence

Creating a Vibrant Learning Group Conducive to Transformation and Growth

Creating a Compelling Image of the Future Being Our Best Together Discovering You at Your Best Using Appreciative Inquiry
Exploring a Relationships using Appreciative Inquiry Empowering Off-Campus Students by Providing Opportunities that Enhance their College Experience Appreciative Inquiry into Math Success Factors
Incorporating Interprofessional Education (IPE) into the Health Sciences Programs Building Organizational Capacity: Moving Adjunct Experience from “Good” to “Great”


Internships are available each semester (fall, winter break, spring, and summer). Internships include paid and unpaid. This is a busy and fun corporate environment. The Company of Experts develops and delivers corporate training programs. The Company shares office space and provides staffing support to a software development company. If you are interested in gaining valuable experience in a busy and growing company, please send a resume and cover letter telling us which of the 6 positions you are applying for to Kathy at Kathy@CompanyofExperts.net

Internship Requirements:

* Must be a current full-time or part-time college student in Clark County

* Minimum GPA Requirement is a 3.0

Internship Job Description:

The work is varied with new learning experiences every day. The duties may include any and all of the duties list below. Working with two small start-up companies with a vision for making a difference, you will have the opportunity to learn new skills and be part of a dynamic and growing team.

Internship Positions Available:

General Office

The general administration office has two openings each semester for an organized, self-motivated individuals to assist with the general administration functions for each company. Duties include: assisting with internship paperwork, applications, and orientation; helping coordinate workshops and training programs as well as technical software development meetings; daily accounting activities and client support via telephone and the internet; and working to complete various administrative and organizational tasks.


This fast-moving, dynamic work environment is best suited for students with an interest in the following career fields: Public Relations, Marketing, copywriting, promotion or Advertising Sales.

Projects may include assisting in research analysis such as surveys and other research used to gain clients for both companies. Knowledge of MS Excel and MS Word is a must. Other basic computer knowledge in Office programs is helpful. One to two interns will are necessary.

Sales Development

Two to three interns are needed to assist the advertising sales representatives who handle in-house mail order and classified sales. The interns will aid in sales efforts, maintain lists of clients and update the online registration system. They will also help plan and organize training programs and services. Duties include: typing, filing and phone prospecting, as well as special projects throughout the semester.

Content Development

Content Development needs three students to assist the department in developing and producing a variety of training programs and workshops including online and webinars. Interns in typically assist with the following activities: fact checking, proofreading, photo research, new business research, brainstorming sessions and advertising projects

New Media/Social Networking

One bright, enthusiastic, motivated student to assist with various projects that may include proofreading, research, blogging, online editing, writing and managing content. Ideal candidate works well with others as well as independently. Multimedia experience preferred. Interns should have an excellent eye for detail, possess superior language skills and be interested in web publishing/design.


One intern is needed in the Technology department for 10 hours per week. Intern will perform minor troubleshooting for windows-based systems and windows software, including active directory audits. Intern will assist in updating existing databases maintained for software, hardware and wiring and maintaining supply inventories. Intern will be involved with updating workstations with recent patches to Windows XP. Other duties include administrative and organizational tasks. Experience with Outlook, Word and Excel are necessary. Ability to be detailed-oriented and keep accurate records a must.