Tag Archives: expert on call

Frank Gornick

Frank Gornick

Frank Gornick is chancellor of a community college district in California serving one of the poorest regions of the nation. Enrollment has increased three fold since 1994 while the total district revenues have been matched with an aggressive federal and state grant program. The district consists of two colleges, as well as centers throughout the 3,000 square mile service area.

In 2002, the district was recognized by the Met Life Foundation “For excellence in promoting education and economic advancement for underserved youth and adults.”

In 2004, the college district was awarded the prestigious California Community College Chancellor’s Diversity Award for Excellence for its work in promoting and hiring a diverse administrative staff.

Campus Compact recently featured this college in its spring publication: One with the Community: Indicators of Engagement at Minority-Serving Institutions.

Dr. Gornick has led an aggressive campaign for child care in his district with a goal of placing a college-operated child care facility in every community the district serves. The district’s intent is to address the whole family’s educational needs and promote access to education through the use of these centers.

He has fostered the aggressive use of technology by forging strategic partnerships with Cisco Systems, Pacific Bell, Federal agencies, local Workforce Investment Boards and others to deliver low cost solutions of access to technology. This effort has led to one of the most advanced on-line educational programs in the state–if not the nation. Retention rates exceed 75 percent. His staff has exploded the myth that poor citizens without access to computers will shun on-line educational opportunities.

His low-key yet high energy approach to leadership encourages people by example and with enthusiasm. He has transformed the college into a district that knows what it is doing and cares about the people it is enabling.

Dr. Gornick joined forces with community college presidents, AACC and business leaders to begin the discussion of the future of education in our country. Dr. Gornick wrote an article for the Community College Journal, December/January 2006 edition titled: A Call to Action: Reclaiming our Competitive Advantage. Dr. Gornick and the other leaders are beginning the dialogue on a national level this year.

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  • Academic Master Plannings
  • Accreditation and Program Assessment
  • Board Training and Development
  • Community Building
  • Community Development and Community Partnerships
  • Creating Learning Organizations
  • Developing Cultural Inclusion in Teaching or Training
  • Distance Education
  • E-Learning
  • Economic Development
  • Enrollment Management
  • Government Relations/ Lobbying
  • Innovation in the Workplace
  • Performance Management
  • Learning Centered Teaching and  Training Workshops
  • Management Consulting
  • On-line Education
  • Planned Change
  • Resource Development
  • Strategic Planning
  • Visioning and Futuring

Earl Bloor

Earl Bloor

Earl Bloor has a diverse background spanning higher education, government and industry, including twenty-five years as a chemistry instructor and administrator of a wide range of college-level programs, including arts, sciences, health occupations, technology, and trades programs. He has managed major instructional divisions in colleges in Canada, Massachusetts and California, and in Abu Dhabi (UAE). In government, he has worked with departments focusing on human resources development and apprenticeship training. For a two year period, he coordinated corporate development and training programs for a Middle Eastern oil operating company. With his wife, he publishes a regional magazine which focuses on sustainability issues.

Earl has managed major curriculum development projects, such as the Competency Based Apprenticeship Training Program in Alberta (Canada) and the Adult Applied Academics Project in British Columbia (Canada). Earl was one of the first Facilitators/Trainers of the Instructional Skills Workshop Program, now a major element in instructional improvement programs in colleges and universities around the world, and one of its original Directors. Earl has been certified by Company of Experts.net as both an Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator and an Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training (AIFT©) Trainer.  He is also a certified Team Coach.

Earl’s experience has led him to understand that empathy is at the root of every successful human relationship. “My approach to supervision is relationship-based. I believe that every employee seeks to do the best job s/he can do. If there are factors preventing peak performance, these need to be identified in a non-threatening manner and addressed. This belief is at the base of the work I do to help organizations plan to achieve the goals that are most important to them.”

Earl earned a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Western Ontario (London, Canada) and conducted research at the University of Illinois and Simon Fraser University (Canada) before settling into a long and rewarding career based in community colleges around the world.

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  • Appraising
  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Coaching
  • Consulting
  • Counseling
  • Curriculum Development
  • Delegation
  • Effective Communications
  • Empowerment
  • Instructional Skills Development
  • Leadership
  • Presentation Skills
  • Strategic Planning
  • Teaching & Learning Styles
  • Team Building
  • Teamwork

Barbara Kerr

Barbara Kerr

Barbara A. Kerr has worked in higher education as a faculty member, an administrator, a consultant, and an executive coach. As part of her consulting services, she has assisted three Washington State college boards in hiring their college presidents, and has facilitated the hiring of many other college administrators and faculty. Currently, Barbara is the principal of a Seattle-based consulting firm that provides coaching and consulting services to government, non-profits, higher education, and business organizations.

Barbara has completed a post-graduate training course as a Master Certified Executive Coach and is a certified administrator of the EQ-i, an emotional intelligence inventory, as well as a number of other assessments to assist individuals, teams, and organizations in moving forward. She has developed a unique dual coaching process that provides individual coaching for executives while at the same improves and enhances the work of the executive team as a whole. She has developed expertise in working with individuals and teams to assist them in clarifying their values, creating a vision in alignment with those values, building a plan of action, and supporting the implementation and assessment of the plan. She has also developed an interactive board game to assist clients in better understanding the concepts of emotional intelligence, as well as how to enhance their own competencies. She is the author of several books, including “Read All Your Life” and co-author of “You Can Choose Your Own Life.”

Her clients have included many two and four-year colleges and universities, Center for Information Services, Commission on Colleges and Universities, United States Navy, the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, the Washington Educational Leadership Association, Olympic Mental Health Associates, Washington Mutual Bank, the Charles Moriarty Foundation, and a number of individual executives and administrators. Barbara has a Ph.D and an M.A. in English from Temple University.


  • Accreditation and program assessment
  • Board Training and Development
  • Chief Executive Officer evaluation
  • Coach and Counseling
  • Communication
  • Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
  • Employee Development
  • Environmental Scanning
  • Executive Coaching
  • Facilitation
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Coaching
  • Meetings
  • Strategic Planning
  • Team Building
  • Team Development
  • Values Clarification
  • Visioning and Futuring

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Kay Weiss

Kay Weiss

Kay Weiss is a community college administrator and has extensive experience in professional and organizational development.   In addition to teaching, Kay has served as a division dean, department chair, committee chair, and Standard Chair for Accreditation. She received the outstanding professor of the year award at her college in 1999 and, in 2000, the Golden Apple Award from the San Bernardino Education Roundtable. In 2006, was the recipient of the National Leadership Award presented by the National Council for Staff, Program and Organizational Development (NCSPOD.)  Kay has been certified by Company of Experts.net as an Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Trainer and an Instructional Skills Workshop Trainer.

Kay has been an extremely active volunteer with NCSPOD, serving as Western Region Vice President, President Elect, President, and Past President. She currently serves as Certificate Program Liaison, working with newer practitioners and mentors on NCSPOD’s professional certificate process.  She has served as facilitator for the New Practitioners Institute, the Summer Institute and the International Professional Developers Workshop for NCSPOD.

She has also served as the lead facilitator for various Campus Great Teachers Format Seminars, including Great Staff Seminars, and the Great Online Teachers Seminar and has utilized both Appreciative Inquiry and the World Café Model to facilitate dialogue about topics “that matter most” in a variety of settings..

Kay is a long-time member of the California Community College Council for Staff and Organizational Development (4C/SD), the International Reading Association, and the California Reading Association.

She holds a doctorate in educational leadership from the University of Southern California, a master of arts in education degree from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, and a bachelor of science degree in general studies/education from the University of Southern California.

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  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training
  • Classroom Assessment TechniquesTM
  • Customer Service
  • Department Chair Institute
  • Great Teaching or Great Teachers SeminarTM
  • Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW)
  • Workshop Facilitator Development (FDW)TM
  • Leadership Training and Development
  • Learning Communities
  • Learning Styles
  • Online Education
  • Orientation Programs
  • Presentation Skills Workshops (PSW)TM
  • Student Learning Outcomes & Assessment
  • Technology-Mediated Teaching (TMT)TM
  • True Colors

Kathy Becker

Contact Information:

5920 S. Rainbow Blvd, Ste 4,
Las Vegas, Nevada 89118

Email: Kathy@CompanyofExperts.net

Work: (702) 228-4699
Mobile: (760) 333-4993

Skype: company.of.experts

Center for Appreciative Inquiry
Company of Experts, Inc.
Department Chair Institute

Social Media Networks:
Center for Appreciative Inquiry Facebook
Company of Experts Facebook

LinkedIn Groups:
Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training Group
Discovering Appreciative Inquiry Group

Working Portfolio:
Download Resume


What might be possible if community and organization members were fully engaged and using their strengths to collectively achieve shared visions?

This is the question that motivates Kathy Becker and has her focused on collaboration. Given current global challenges, Kathy uses strengths-based organizational design practices to help clients respond effectively to increasing levels of complexity in their environments and growing demand for innovation and change.

Kathy is the CEO/President of the Company of Experts, Inc. and oversees this Small Woman Owned Business serving schools, colleges and universities, businesses, corporations and non-profits moving them from deficit models of planning and thinking to engagement, empowerment and collaboration.  Under Kathy’s leadership the Company has developed a world presence and is continuing to add new teams throughout the world including Africa, Australia, Canada, Europe, Middle East and South America.

Kathy’s employment history includes 20 twenty-years at a college that began a premier international student’s program for undergraduate students. Kathy has knowledge of the housing, personnel, visa, hiring and orientation, health and curriculum decisions that will go into the development of this project.

In an academic environment, Kathy served as a founding Chief Human Resources Officer, Staff Development Coordinator, Equal Employment Opportunity Officer, and has had direct responsibility for contract negotiations, sexual harassment training, discrimination investigation, mediation and conflict resolution, discipline and grievance, management training, and leadership development.

Kathy has also served as an elected board member for a number of non-profit organizations and has relocated her company to Las Vegas, Nevada to be part of the energy, creativity and change.

  • Appreciative Inquiry Consulting & Training
  • Board Training & Retreats
  • Business Consulting
  • Coaching
  • Content Development
  • Large-Scale Summit Design
  • Leadership Development & Training
  • Organizational Development
  • Strategic Development
  • Succession Planning
  • Workshop Facilitation

Macon Miracle:

  • Creating the Macon Miracle (Part 1) – “Creating the Macon” – Bibb County School District, with the help of the Center for Appreciative Inquiry, conducted a Strategic Planning session using Appreciative Inquiry. With 4500 people in attendance, this is the largest Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Summit known to date. In this video, Dr. Romain Dallemand opens the session with a powerful speech.
  • Creating the Macon Miracle (Part 2) – Day 2 of the Macon Miracle, Dr. Romain Dallemand shares his gratitude and excitement about the possibilities & opportunities that emerged through the inquiries conducted on Day 1.

World Appreciative Inquiry Conference (WAIC) 2012:

  • Anne Gathumbi WAIC Interview – Anne Gathumbi is a program manager with OSIEA and the Open Society Law and Health Initiative. She is responsible for the organization’s work to promote legal initiatives to advance the human rights of East Africans living with and affected by HIV/AIDS
  • Kathy Becker WAIC Interview – President of the Company of Experts talks about her experiences with Appreciative Inquiry


  • Bibb County School District
  • Broward College
  • Catholic Health East
  • Disability Rights Nebraska
  • Government of Alberta
  • Kentucky Community & Technical College System (KCTCS)
  • National Council for Staff, Program and Organizational Development (NCSPOD)
  • Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa (OSIEA)
  • SAB Miller, Latin America
  • Stanford University
  • State University of New York (SUNY)
  • Three Rivers Community College
  • Truman Medical Center
  • University of San Diego
“Just a note to say how much I appreciate what you’re doing in the world and to let you know that AI continues to inform many aspects of all that I do.
~ Susan Sanford, Certified AI Facilitator