Tag Archives: company of experts


Become anExpert On Call


Company of Experts.net is looking for Consultants, Facilitators, Keynoters, and Trainers who are an EXPERT.

Since 1989, Company of Experts.net has been serving clients in corporations and businesses, education, government and non-profits including individuals seeking training, coaching, skill development, assessment and planning expertise, as well as keynote speakers.

Become an Expert on CallWe encourage individuals and organizations to become the leaders of their dream – their vision. Viewing the individual and organization as a living treasure to be nourished by providing tools, skills and expertise for learning, growth and change. Our role is to provide the support, expertise and guidance to each client to achieve their goals while maximizing their ROI.

To support our diverse client base, we actively seek out Experts on Call that are adventurous, results oriented and learning centered. We are looking for trainers, coaches, facilitators and organizational development professionals with experience serving a wide range of clients and organizations. Providing innovative quality programs and exceptional service to our clients is the foundation of our company.

We are looking for Experts on Call who share our vision of creating a legacy for the future that we can be proud of today. Our Experts on Call are Independent Consultants that are genuinely interested in people and organizations, who strive to improve themselves and value learning and sharing.

If you have proven expertise in your field and outstanding references, with a depth of knowledge, skills and education to meet our client needs, You might be the Expert we are looking for!

If you are an Expert looking to join an organization that values people – Please submit an online application; your detailed resúme detailing your work experience, education, consulting, keynoting and training experience; and three current professional recommendations (include phone number and email contact information).

We look forward to meeting you!


AdjunctSuccess is the only organization dedicated solely to the professional development needs of part-time professors, and the instructional leaders who coordinate their work. Members of AdjunctSuccess receive a seat in 15 live topical webinars and have access to archived recording, a monthly e-newsletter, and access to rich sets of printable and online resources. To learn more about AdjunctSuccess and its membership, please visit their website.



The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) advocates for over 1,200 two-year colleges nationwide. The AACC promotes its college members  through policy initiatives, innovative programs, research and information and strategic outreach to business, industry, and the national news media.  The AACC also encourages collaboration amongst its members by creating networking opportunities at all levels, which drive professional initiatives, dialogue, and community building. To learn more about the AACC and its benefits visit their website for more information.


FINTELO is a next-generation internet-based learning software program that makes online teaching and learning for instructors and students more engaging, immersive, enjoyable and easier to use than products that are currently available in the market today. Fintelo was created by Distance Edu Learning, Inc., which has committed its entire resources to creating innovative products and services that meet the needs of educational institutions, business organizations,and the military; providing the highest quality educational tools to the most critical end user – the learner! To learn more about Fintelo or to schedule a demonstration, please visit their website.


The League for Innovation in the Community College is an international organization dedicated to catalyzing the community college movement.  The League host conferences and institutes, develop Web resources, conduct research, produce publications, provide services, and lead projects and initiatives with our member colleges, corporate partners, and other agencies in our continuing efforts to make a positive difference for students and communities. The League is also the leading community college organization in the application of information technology to improve teaching and learning, student services, and institutional management. To learn more about The League and their upcoming conferences, please check out their website.


The North-American Council for Staff, Program and Organizational Development (NCSPOD)  serves a diverse membership comprised of colleges, universities, business, industry, consulting firms and government agencies from across the United States and Canada. NCSPOD’s mission is to increase institutional vitality by providing professional growth opportunities for our members, enabling them to establish, enhance and revitalize staff, program and organizational development in their organizations. NCSPOD creates opportunities for members to discuss and share professional development solutions to your faculty, staff, program and organizational development challenges. Check out their website to learn more.


The Community College League of California is a nonprofit public benefit corporation whose voluntary membership consists of the 72 local community college districts in California. The Community College League of California’s mission is to promote student access and success by strengthening colleges through leadership development, advocacy, policy development, and district services. The Community College League of California is the primary advocacy organization for California community college districts and promotes effective leadership at all levels by delivering outstanding services and programs that engage districts and support their operations.If you would like to learn more about the programs and services offered by the Community College League of California, visit their website.
