- @ONE, CA
- Agilent Technologies, CA
- Aims Community College, CO
- Albuquerque Technical and Vocational Institute, NM
- Allan Hancock College, CA
- Amarillo College, TX
- American Association of Community Colleges, DC
- American River College, CA
- Anne Arundel Community College, MD
- Anne Oliver, Consultant, CA
- Antelope Valley College, CA
- Archer School for Girls, CA
- Arrowhead University Consortium, MN
- Asnuntuck Community College, CT
- Association of California Community College Administrators, CA
- Association of California Human Resource Officers/Affirmative Action Officers, CA
- Automobile Club of Southern California, CA
- Bakersfield College, CA
- Bates Technical College, WA
- Bellevue Community College, WA
- Bentley School, CA
- Bismark State College, ND
- Black Hawk College, IL
- Booz Allen Hamilton, VA
- Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, NJ
- British Columbia Institute of Technology, British Columbia
- Brookhaven College, TX
- Broome Community College, NY
- Bryan Neuberg, Consultant, CA
- Butte College, CA
- Cabrillo College, CA
- California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED), CA
- California Association of Independent Schools, CA
- California Community College Council for Staff and Organizational Development (4C/SD), CA
- California Community Colleges Economic and Workforce Development Program (CCCEWD), CA
- California Culinary Academy, CA
- California Fish and Game Department, CA
- California Information Systems Officers’ Association, CA
- California Mineral Education Foundation, CA
- California State University at Bakersfield, CA
- California State University at Chico, CA
- California State University at Sacramento, CA
- California Virtual Campus, CA
- Camosun College, British Columbia
Canada College, CA
- Canadore College, Ontario
- Carol Larlee, Consultant, British Columbia
- Cascadia Community College, WA
- Centennial College, Ontario
Center for Learning Connections, WA
- Central Arizona College, AZ
- Central Oregon College, OR
- Centre for Curriculum, Transfer & Technology, British Columbia
Centre for Curriculum, Transfer and Technology, British Columbia, Canada
- Cerritos College, CA
- Chabot College, CA
- Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, CA
- Chaffey College, CA
- Chair Academy, AZ
- Chambers of Commerce (Chico, Lodi, Marysville, Sacramento, San Rafael, San Ramon Valley, Santa Rosa, Stockton, Yuba City/Sutter, CA)
- Chancellor’s Office, California Community Colleges, CA
- Children in Crisis
- Cisco Systems
- Citrus College, CA
- City College of San Francisco, CA
- City of Mississauga, Ontario
- City of Richmond, British Columbia
- Clackamas Community College, OR
- Clarian Health Partners, Indianapolis, IA
- Clarion University at Venango, PA
- Clinton Community College, IA
- Coast Community College District, CA
- Coastline Community College, CA
- Coffeyville Community College, KS
- College of Alameda, CA
- College of Marin, CA
- College of San Mateo, CA
- College of the Canyons, CA
- College of the Desert, CA
- College of the Redwoods, CA
- College of the Sequoias, CA
- Colorado Mountain College, CO
- Columbia College, CA
- Columbia College, MO
- Columbia Gorge Community College, OR
- Community College League of California, CA
- Compton Community College, CA
- Concordia University, Quebec
- Condiotti Enterprises, Inc., CA
- Connecticut Community-Technical Colleges, CT
- Constructive Choices, Inc., NM
- Contra Costa College, CA
- Contra Costa Community College District, CA
- Copper Mountain College, CA
- Cosumnes River College, CA
- Council on Aging, CA
- Counterbalance Consulting, LLC, CT
- Cuyamaca College, CA
- Cypress College, CA
- Dallas County Community College District, TX
- Dean College, MA
- DeAnza College, CA
- DeKalb College, GA
- Delgado Community College, LA
- Delta College, MI
- Diablo Valley College, CA
- Dona Ana Branch Community College, NM
- Douglas Community College, British Columbia
- East Aurora School District, IL
- East Central College, MO
- East Los Angeles College, CA
- East-West Center, HI
- Edison Community College, OH
- El Camino College, CA
- El Centro College, TX
- El Paso Community College, TX
- Encompass Consultants, Inc., British Columbia
- Etec Systems Inc.
- Eureka! Business Management, LTD, BC
- Ever Higher, LLC, OR
- Evergreen Valley College, CA