![]() ENROLLMENT FORECASTING, SIMULATION, AND MANAGEMENT Since the early 1990s, Chuck’s work has emphasized enrollment planning and management. In 1993, he developed an econometric model that is currently used in long-range enrollment forecasting for the capital planning at local districts in a state system. He conducted a study for the Maricopa Community Colleges in 1995 on the enrollment-impact of tuition and fees; results have been used by the district for long-range policymaking. Chuck then worked, in 1996, with Lincoln University on a computer model to simulate a variety of enrollment management initiatives in marketing, admissions, registration, and student retention, all designed to tie into budgeting models. Chuck also completed a 1997 study of Pima Community College’s past and future enrollment patterns for its use in planning. In Spring 1997, he was published in Jossey-Bass’ New Directions for Institutional Research, and has spoken on enrollment management at national conferences like the American Association for Community Colleges (SCUP), Association for Institutional Research (AIR), Society for Needs assessmentCollege and University Planning (SCUP), and the Consortium for Community College Development (CCCD). In Fall 1998, Chuck spoke at the European AIR in Spain about use of computer models to forecast enrollments and plan budgets. Also in 1998, he conducted an enrollment simulation and planning (ESP) study at Lansing Community College and, in 1999, he conducted ESP studies at Portland, Mt. Hood and Lane Community Colleges in Oregon and for the State Office of Michigan Community Colleges. In Fall 1999, AACC published Chuck’s book on Enrollment Simulation and Planning. Since then, Chuck has worked on ESP projects at colleges in Oregon, Michigan, Massachusetts, California, Washington, and Texas. STRATEGIC PLANNING Recent engagements by Chuck with Palm Desert and San Mateo (California) and Austin (Texas) Community Colleges have involved a form of strategic planning – learning-centered strategic planning – that emphasizes efforts by these institutions to concentrate in a variety of ways on student learning. Chuck spoke about this technique at a SCUP regional conference in 2002. Chuck’s work in college planning and evaluation spans nearly three decades, beginning in 1974 with an Exxon Education Foundation grant for research on the book Planning Colleges for the Community, published by Jossey-Bass. In 1978, he directed work, supported by a Vocational Education Act grant, on assessments of community educational needs; and in 1981, he was awarded a four-year Fund for Improvement of Postsecondary Education grant to develop new ways to tie college planning and evaluation to accreditation. Since then, Chuck helped develop several long-range plans for a state Board of Governors, has written a number of articles and monographs on college planning, and has directed numerous workshops and symposia on the topic using techniques such as Charrette, Delphi, Nominal Group Technique, and Total Quality Improvement. He has spoken frequently on planning at national and regional conferences like AACC, SCUP, AIR, Pacific Northwest Association for Institutional Research and Planning, Western and Southwestern Regional SCUP, Southeastern Association for Community College Research, California Community College Board of Governors, California AIR, Community College League of California, California Community College Trustees, and California Research and Planning Group, and at many local colleges. As Director of Research and Analysis, he was responsible for numerous state-level planning and evaluation projects, including environmental scanning and futures research projects, one of which was honored in 1996 with a Research White Paper grant from AACC and the Sloan Foundation, and published in Core Issues in Community Colleges (AACC, 1997). FACILITIES PLANNING During 2000, 2001 and 2002, Chuck conducted projects in long-range facilities planning for Mt. San Antonio (CA), Mt. Hood (OR), and Austin (TX) in preparation for capital financing bond elections. These projects involved computer modeling of facility needs, formulation of new space and utilization standards, and new kinds of classroom configurations. He currently is involved in a similar project for College of the Desert (CA) and has an article on the topic forthcoming in the Spring 2003 issue of the Journal of Applied Research in the Community College. Earlier, in 1990-91, Chuck designed and implemented a computer model to project 15-year facility needs for a state system of community colleges; the resulting Board of Governors’ Long-Range Capital Outlay Plan was used to plan and allocate capital outlays for nearly ten years. POLICY RESEARCH Over two decades, Chuck conducted and directed numerous policy research projects for a state office about community college transfer, tuition, fees and financial aid, student services and other topics. His article on transfer performance was published in Research in Higher Education in 1989. Other work includes policy research on such topics as the impact of fees on enrollment (1993), growth funding formulas (1996), and welfare reform (1997), among others. Also in 1997, Chuck completed four technical papers for the 2005 Task Force, a long-range planning effort about future college needs and funding, sponsored by a state Board of Governors and Chancellor. Chuck served on the Research Commission of the AACC between 1997 and 2000. COMPUTER MODELING For the past decade, Chuck also has engaged in many computer modeling projects, designing, developing and implementing planning and decision-support tools for colleges and universities. In 1989, he developed a computer model to forecast college faculty replacement, which was used in human resource planning and presented that year at SCUP. Between 1990 and 1995, Chuck directed a consortium of three dozen community colleges in the U.S., United Kingdom, and Canada in developing computer-aided planning (CAP) models. This work-involving model design, development, quarterly workshops with participants, and testing–was to produce robust and systematic computer simulation models to help colleges plan and make policy decisions. During the CAP project, Chuck held a 1993 planning symposium for staff from community colleges throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Among colleges participating in the CAP project were Bilston in Birmingham (England), Lethbridge in Alberta (Canada), Kapiolani (Honolulu), and three-dozen other colleges from the mainland U.S. OTHER EXPERIENCE AND ACADEMIC TRAINING Earlier in his career, as Director of Analytical Studies with a state office of higher education, Chuck directed the design of the office’s first computer-based management information system and was responsible for the design and implementation of two financing systems by which the state office allocated funds to local districts. Chuck also has worked on projects assessing the economic impact of colleges, and in 2001 he helped AACC evaluate a new cost-benefit model for this purpose. Chuck’s academic training is in economics: PhD from University of California, MA from California State University; and in anthropology: BA from University of Colorado. He has taught undergraduate microeconomics and graduate higher education finance at the California State University. Prior to working in higher education, Chuck played professional baseball for the Milwaukee Braves organization. |
Tag Archives: workshops
Health & Wellness
Designed For:
Everyone who works for a living-no matter what the organization or industry-education, law, banking, tech corporations, this workshop is ideal for everyone including managers and executives.
- Manage stress successfully
- Cope with change
- Stay healthy and well
- Apply and teach others what you’ve learn
Materials Required:
This workshop may require books, materials, online assessments, or the use of proprietary software which typically will be included in the cost of the workshop.
Customize Your Training:
Company of Experts, Inc. delivers its workshops in a variety of ways: on-site, hybrid, or online; providing users with the option to decide which learning method works best for their organization and/or individual.
To learn more about the location, price, availability, or to register for this workshop, please email Kathy at Kathy@CompanyofExperts.net
Space is limited, guarantee yourself a spot today!
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Company of Experts, Inc. is known for delivering exceptional training and consulting services to hundreds of organizations, groups, and individuals in corporate and academic sectors and has received 5-Star ratings for their on-site trainings and programs.
Company of Experts, Inc. provides its users with the flexibility to complete their training by offering their renowned workshops in a variety of ways: on-site, hybrid, or online; providing users with the option to decide which learning method would work best for their organization and/or individual.
Company of Experts now offers online registration. Don’t want to register online? Company of Experts has created flexible registrations for you…
Phone: We also process registrations taken over the phone. Just call our office (702) 228.4699 and we will be happy to process your order over the phone.
Missing something? Company of Experts can customize trainings – just for you!
Press Releases
Company of Experts, Inc. and Distance Edu Learning, Inc. Team Up to Launch an Innovative Online Solution to Training and Development
January 2, 2009
Company of Experts, Inc., an international network of people with outstanding expertise in consulting, development, facilitating and training, and Distance Edu Learning, Inc., developer of the ground breaking platform for online learning and development, Fintelo, announced today that they have teamed up to create a new system for organizations and individuals to, within their budget and time, continue in further growth and advancement with online programs.
“We saw the need for organizations to have access to high quality training while keeping their budget low and keeping productivity high, and knew that we could work together to make this possibility a reality.”
Company of Experts Online Programs provides individuals and organizations with an easy to use online solution for change and growth. Company of Experts has received 5 Star ratings for their on-site trainings and programs, and with the introduction of their high quality programs available online, without the cost or time of travel, more individuals will have the opportunity to engage in positive change. Many companies are also trying to go green, using fewer resources for employees to drive to locations for training. By using Fintelo, a Learning Centered Framework developed by Distance Edu Learning, users will experience the ease of not having to focus on how to work the technology but rather how the technology works for them. Users will feel at home with state of the art graphics depicting their own virtual office that manages their announcements, tasks, calendar, assessments and more. Fintelo’s collaborative learning allows learners and trainers to communicate like never before, utilizing interactive real-time chat, discussion boards, forums and private email. Using assessments, organizations can track the use and progress of their associates.
Company of Experts Online will begin to offer their programs for organizations and individuals in with the inauguration of their trainings in January 2009.
About Company of Experts: Located in Las Vegas, Nevada, Company of Experts has experience in consulting, organization development, facilitating, keynoting and training and development in colleges, schools, universities, corporations, governmental and nonprofit organizations. They have a variety of service offerings that help move from conflict to opportunity including the Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training, the Department Chair Institute, the Leadership Development Institute, Instructional Skills Workshops and the Creative Change Institute. www.CompanyofExperts.net
About Distance Edu Learning: Located in Las Vegas, Nevada, Distance Edu Learning is an innovative software company that just released the Fintelo online learning platform in 2008. They have already seen the positive results Fintelo lends to online learning with their clients in the education and corporate markets. www.Fintelo.com
AdjunctSuccess is the only organization dedicated solely to the professional development needs of part-time professors, and the instructional leaders who coordinate their work. Members of AdjunctSuccess receive a seat in 15 live topical webinars and have access to archived recording, a monthly e-newsletter, and access to rich sets of printable and online resources. To learn more about AdjunctSuccess and its membership, please visit their website.
The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) advocates for over 1,200 two-year colleges nationwide. The AACC promotes its college members through policy initiatives, innovative programs, research and information and strategic outreach to business, industry, and the national news media. The AACC also encourages collaboration amongst its members by creating networking opportunities at all levels, which drive professional initiatives, dialogue, and community building. To learn more about the AACC and its benefits visit their website for more information.
FINTELO is a next-generation internet-based learning software program that makes online teaching and learning for instructors and students more engaging, immersive, enjoyable and easier to use than products that are currently available in the market today. Fintelo was created by Distance Edu Learning, Inc., which has committed its entire resources to creating innovative products and services that meet the needs of educational institutions, business organizations,and the military; providing the highest quality educational tools to the most critical end user – the learner! To learn more about Fintelo or to schedule a demonstration, please visit their website.
The League for Innovation in the Community College is an international organization dedicated to catalyzing the community college movement. The League host conferences and institutes, develop Web resources, conduct research, produce publications, provide services, and lead projects and initiatives with our member colleges, corporate partners, and other agencies in our continuing efforts to make a positive difference for students and communities. The League is also the leading community college organization in the application of information technology to improve teaching and learning, student services, and institutional management. To learn more about The League and their upcoming conferences, please check out their website.

The North-American Council for Staff, Program and Organizational Development (NCSPOD) serves a diverse membership comprised of colleges, universities, business, industry, consulting firms and government agencies from across the United States and Canada. NCSPOD’s mission is to increase institutional vitality by providing professional growth opportunities for our members, enabling them to establish, enhance and revitalize staff, program and organizational development in their organizations. NCSPOD creates opportunities for members to discuss and share professional development solutions to your faculty, staff, program and organizational development challenges. Check out their website to learn more.
The Community College League of California is a nonprofit public benefit corporation whose voluntary membership consists of the 72 local community college districts in California. The Community College League of California is the primary advocacy organization for California community college districts and promotes effective leadership at all levels by delivering outstanding services and programs that engage districts and support their operations.If you would like to learn more about the programs and services offered by the Community College League of California, visit their website.
What we Do
Can your organization thrive in today’s economy? Absolutely! With planning, focus, and motivated employees, your business can meet the challenges of tomorrow.
We serve our educational, corporate, non-profit and military clients with the highest degree of experience and training. Use your valuable training and consulting dollars wisely. We can help you plan and stay within your budget!
Jim was the Founding President of Copper Mountain College in California. In 2000, Jim hired Kathy to be the Founding Chief Human Resources Officer for the College District. Understanding that the world had changed for the employees of the college and for the community, they began to seek opportunities to engage people in new and different ways. The two soon learned about Appreciative Inquiry. Taking a great leap and trust in AI, they began planning a Summit for all college employees. They immediately saw the potential for change and collaboration. When they had the opportunity to buy the Company of Experts, Inc., they seized it.
Company of Experts → Past and present
Nancy Stetson began her work as a consultant in the 1980’s in addition to her full time job, she then began reaching out to other consultants for help. Over time it evolved into a network of people throughout the U.S. and Canada who had expertise in a particular subject area who were excellent consultants, facilitators, keynoters, or trainers. This network of consultants, primarily educators, officially became Company of Experts in 1989.
In 1992, Charles Miller became Vice-President and co-owner of the Company. From 1992 to 2005, they shared knowledge, skills, and abilities of Nancy and Charles enabled the Company of Experts to continue attracting excellent Experts on Call, as well as hundreds of clients. For 16 years Company of Experts operated out of a garage that was converted into an office. It had no employees, only independent contractors – including the corporate officers.
Nancy and Charles crossed paths with Kathy Becker and Jim Pulliam in 2001 when several employees at the college Jim and Kathy worked at were given the opportunity to participant in a two week professional development workshop. The trainers for this workshop were none other than Charles Miller and Nancy Stetson.
Kathy later heard that Nancy and Charles were selling Company of Experts and saw it as a great opportunity. The idea of making a difference excited Kathy and Jim. In January 2005, Nancy and Charles found the competition fierce to purchase the Company, Kathy and Jim were the successful new owners.
Kathy and Jim believe the Company of Experts’ strength results from a strong set of values – people first – and they continue to look for Experts on Call that believe and represent those same values. Company of Experts prides itself on being learner and community centered.
Kathy and Jim have expanded and evolved their workshops to include the use of technology which has allowed Company of Experts to offer their workshops online.
What lies ahead
Company of Experts, Inc. plans to make their recognized training and consulting services more accessible and affordable to organizations and individuals and conceded online learning as the solution. Company of Experts Inc. has teamed up with Distance Edu Learning, Inc.(Fintelo) to create a new system for organizations and individuals to, within their budget and time, further their growth and advancement through interactive online workshops.
Company of Experts, Inc., with the help of Fintelo®, now offers their renowned workshops in a variety of ways: on-site, hybrid, or online, providing users with the option to decide which learning method would work best for their organization and/or individual. Company of Experts online workshops also provides its users with the flexibility to complete their training at a time and place that is most convenient for them.