Tag Archives: professional development

Cash For Clunkers Concept

Cash for Clunkers, what a concept. What do you do when you feel like a clunker? Too many miles? Need a new paint job? Maybe the clutch is a bit worn? No government bail out here – how did I get left out? The truth is, you can be your own stimulus plan and perhaps it maybe a requirement for our times. You have that power, that ability to regenerate your energy and revitalize your attitude and your life.

We live in interesting time, and the world is changing faster than we could ever imagined a decade ago. Now more than ever, it’s so important for us to stay focused on our own positive vibes so that we may achieve our individual goals. If times seem dark and dreary, turn your vision toward a successful and fulfilled future. We are each powerful humans with the ability to generate the energy to fuel our personal engines and fire all those cylinders.

Emails, twitter, the evening new and negative images and words that conjure even more negativity. It is enough to make a person feel down. The repetition of negativity bears down on our subconscious and leads to feeling as though we are powerless.  Depression is a medical issue and anyone can become depressed.  If you are depressed, please seek out professional guidance. Don’t be fearful of asking for help. There is a vast support system out there to assist you.

I feel so fortunate to work with people who are seeking out new and energized ways to improve their personal happiness and the well-being of others. Some of what I have learned from so many has been that improving our attitude is a first step toward being happier and healthier. We have that individual power to change our perception and our reality. By focusing on what we want more of for our future – creating a positive mindset. Changing you view is possible by becoming the CEO of Organization ME. Lead yourself through the tough times with compassion, energy and a view of all is possible.

Some simple steps that have been shared with me can and I now share them with you:

  1. Spend some time reflecting each day – five minutes. Lack of sleep can make it hard to focus. Before bedtime, think about one or two good things that happened that day.  Filling your mind with what made you smile or laugh during that day may just make it easier for you to relax and get a good night’s sleep.
  2. Begin to watch the words you and others use. Focus your questions to be positive. Example: Instead of, “Why am I always late?” ask yourself, “What meetings, events, or appointments are so important to me so that I am on time for them?”
  3. Searching for solutions will make you open to new ideas – be creative.
  4. Be your own advocate: circumstances beyond your control may place you in an uncomfortable situation and may cause you to feel exhausted and out of control. Champion your cause, solving problems and making decisions to overcome what may feel like an obstacle can improve your well-being.
  5. Celebrate life everyday! Make a conscious choice to be appreciative and embrace the love and lives around you.

Foundations of Style: Behavior and the Bottom Line – webinar

Webinar: Foundations of Style: Behavior and the Bottom Line

Location: Webinar – Online

Date: November 19, 2009

Start Time: 2:00 PM (EST)

Register Now: Click here

Description: Using the Social Styles model as the foundation, this workshop provides an introduction to four personal tendencies: Analytical, Driver, Amiable, and Expressive. Through this awareness, participants are more prepared to understand, and adjust, when interacting with others.

While it is true that “we are who we are”, the ability to adapt our style of communicating and interacting is essential for achieving the results we desire. Learn More>

Strategic Planning with Appreciative Inquiry for Colleges and Universities – Webinar

Webinar: Strategic Planning with Appreciative Inquiry for Colleges and Universities

Location: Webinar – Online

Date: November 12, 2009

Start Time: 2:00 PM (EST)

Register Now: Click here

Description: Appreciative Inquiry is an approach to planning and positive change that has been used successfully in colleges, communities and organizations all around the world. It is broad-based, highly participative, and energizing. It builds new skills in faculty and staff, develops new leaders, encourages a culture of inquiry, and helps create shared vision and purpose for your college by building on your core values and strengths. Perhaps most importantly-it leades to action, commitment, and results. Learn More>

Website: Center for Appreciative Inquiry

Free Online Workshops Winners

WebinarStaff development and training for organizations is at a new frontier. A well designed program, training, seminar or workshop will have defined intended learner outcomes, be interactive, engage the learner and include take-away and immediately usable skills. The Company of Experts offers customizable training solutions that are cost efficient.

Our professional development workshops online are facilitated, include office hours and outstanding curriculum…. Available for all organizations and individuals as well. Our great face to face training now available on-line.

Free Online Workshops Given To…

We had the opportunity to meet the following people at this year’s Innovations Conference in Reno, NV. These individuals attended one of Company of Experts sessions regarding online learning. We thank like to thank each of you for participating in discussions by presenting you with certificates to a free online workshop!

Ann Turoczy, Gary Hartley, Diane Nicolet, Jennifer Lange, Cynthia Ross, Las Positias and Cindy Adams


For over 20 years, Company of Experts has watched individuals become inspired through creative change, innovation, and Appreciative Inquiry. To celebrate our 20th anniversary, we asked individuals who have become certified as a facilitator for Appreciative Inquiry to write a practicum that tells how they have incorporated AI into their personal or professional life. We took practicum submissions and created a 20th Anniversary Edition of Celebration for all to share. We randomly picked one submitter to be a winner for a free online workshop. The winning submitter is:

RJ Johnson

Congratulations to all of our Winners!!!