Tag Archives: inquiry based leadership

AIFT – Vancouver, BC

VancouverTitle: Appreciative Inquiry Facilitators Training

Location: Vancouver, BC

Website: Click here

Description: Registration is now open for this powerful four day training. At the end of AIFT© intensive four day training, participants will have the skills and foundation to facilitate Appreciative Inquiry sessions. Learn to guide organizations, groups and communities consciously and deliberately shift their collective ways of being and seeing to an appreciative approach, that will help them focus on what’s right in their organization, group or community, rather than on what’s wrong, so that they can deeply inquire into what’s right and why, and then find ways of intentionally creating more of what’s right in their organization, group or community.

This program has been developed and is presented by the Center for Appreciative Inquiry to provide a cost effective way for communities, people and organizations to dialogue and action for creating positive change.

If you would like more information about this workshop or would like to register, click here.

Start Date: 2009-11-18
End Date: 2009-11-21

AIFT – Hilo, HI

HawaiiTitle: Appreciative Inquiry Facilitators Training

Location: Hilo, HI

Website: Click here

Description: Registration is now open for this powerful four day training. At the end of AIFT© intensive four day training, participants will have the skills and foundation to facilitate Appreciative Inquiry sessions. Learn to guide organizations, groups and communities consciously and deliberately shift their collective ways of being and seeing to an appreciative approach, that will help them focus on what’s right in their organization, group or community, rather than on what’s wrong, so that they can deeply inquire into what’s right and why, and then find ways of intentionally creating more of what’s right in their organization, group or community.

This program has been developed and is presented by the Center for Appreciative Inquiry to provide a cost effective way for communities, people and organizations to dialogue and action for creating positive change.

If you would like more information about this workshop or would like to register, click here.

Start Date: 2009-10-13
End Date: 2009-10-16

AIFT – Cape Town, South Africa

Cape TownTitle: Appreciative Inquiry Facilitators Training

Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Website: Click here

Description: Registration is now open for this powerful four day training. At the end of AIFT© intensive four day training, participants will have the skills and foundation to facilitate Appreciative Inquiry sessions. Learn to guide organizations, groups and communities consciously and deliberately shift their collective ways of being and seeing to an appreciative approach, that will help them focus on what’s right in their organization, group or community, rather than on what’s wrong, so that they can deeply inquire into what’s right and why, and then find ways of intentionally creating more of what’s right in their organization, group or community.

This program has been developed and is presented by the Center for Appreciative Inquiry to provide a cost effective way for communities, people and organizations to dialogue and action for creating positive change.

If you would like more information about this workshop or would like to register, click here.

Start Date: 2009-08-18
End Date: 2009-08-21

AIFT – Las Vegas, NV

Title: AIFT

Location: Las Vegas, NV

Website: Click here

Description: Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a way of being and seeing. It is both a worldview and a process for facilitating positive change in human systems, e.g., organizations, groups, and communities. Its assumption is simple: Every human system has something that works right–things that give it life when it is vital, effective, and successful.

If you would like more information about this workshop or would like to register, click here

Start Date: 2009-07-20
End Date: 2009-07-23


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Doug Kerr

Doug Kerr

Based in Vancouver on the west coast of Canada, Doug Kerr is an experienced trainer and management consultant who specializes in:

  • Appreciative Inquiry workshops
  • Instructional skills development and training program design
  • Management development – from front-line supervisors to senior executives
  • Facilitation of group processes with intact management and work teams
  • Executive coaching and training executive coaches
  • Commercial negotiation skills training and consulting.

Over the past 30 years Doug has worked across the continent with a broad range of clientele, including all levels of business and industry, post-secondary institutions, public health organizations, and non-profit organizations. Doug has been certified by Company of Experts.net as both an Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator and an Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training (AIFT©) Trainer.

The Instructional Skills Workshop Program (ISW)

Doug is known internationally as the original developer of the Instructional Skills Workshop program (ISW), an intensive, video-based micro-teaching training program for post-secondary instructors. Since its inception in 1978, the program has trained over 5,000 post-secondary instructors in British Columbia, as well as thousands more across Canada. It has been conducted in the UK, several African countries including Zimbabwe and Ghana, the United Arab Emirates, and a number of Caribbean countries. The program has been implemented state-wide in California, and has been conducted in over 20 states in the USA.

Training for Trainers

Since going private in 1981, Doug has trained thousands of workshop participants to design and deliver training within their own organizations – health professionals, tradespeople, managers, retail clerks, academics, engineers, technicians, firefighters – people from all walks of life, from sea to sea to sea.

Leadership Development/Management Development

The three four-day Supervisory Skills Workshops Doug began designing in 1994 for the Yukon Territorial Government have become recognized as the standard training program for entry-level supervisors and managers across the territory. Doug has also custom-designed training programs for a broad range of both public- and private-sector middle managers and senior executives for over 25 years.


Doug Kerr is a master facilitator. Over the past thirty years Doug has designed and facilitated workshops and conferences for a broad range of leadership teams and work teams in both the public and private sector. Doug brings to his facilitation work a sense of timing, an understanding of the need for both engagement and detachment, an appreciation of the capabilities of groups, and a sense of humor. Doug custom designs every workshop he facilitates, based on input from the group and the organization. Some of the types of workshops and conferences Doug has facilitated are listed below:

  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Fundamental Change Processes
  • Contemporary First Nations Governance, Leadership, and Management – for politically elected leaders and senior managers in First Nations communities
  • Strategic Planning – for Boards of Directors of not-for-profit organizations and senior managers in a variety of private and public sector organizations
  • Effective Self-Management Skills – workshops for troubled managers – i.e., managers in difficulty within their own organization
  • Team Development – workshops designed to help management teams and work teams increase their effectiveness

Executive Coaching

In his work as a trainer and facilitator, Doug has coached hundreds of executives, professionals, managers, board members, and political representatives. He is a graduate of the Senior Level Intensive Certificate Program of The Center for Executive Coaching, Professional School of Psychology, Sacramento, CA, and a co-trainer of the program with Dr. William Bergquist. As a certificated executive coach, Doug brings an appreciative approach to his work with his coaching colleagues.

Negotiation Skills Training

Over the past 10 years Doug has designed and conducted intensive, experiential training workshops in negotiation skills for cleintele ranging from First Nations treaty negotiators to purchasing agents, salespeople, consultants, managers, and executives.

Doug holds a Master of Education degree in adult education from the University of British Columbia, and a professional teaching certificate from Notre Dame University in British Columbia. His Bachelor of Arts in English and philosophy was earned at Bishop’s University.

Doug Kerr is an energetic, enthusiastic consultant and trainer who brings integrity, perspective, and over 30 years of experience to every consulting assignment he takes on.

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  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training
  • Change Management
  • Delegation
  • Executive Coaching
  • Instructional Design
  • Instructional Skills Workshops (ISW)
  • Instructional Skills Workshops (ISW) Facilitator Training
  • Leadership Development
  • Learning Organizations
  • Management Development
  • Negotiation
  • Organization Development
  • Performance managment
  • Presentation Skills Workshops (PSW)
  • Sales Training
  • Strategic Planning
  • Strength Deployment Inventory and Relationship Awareness Theory (TM)
  • Supervision
  • Team Development

Jeanie Cockell

Jeanie Cockell Profile Picture

Dr. Jeanie Cockell, is president of a consulting company based in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Jeanie is a dynamic facilitator who is known for her creativity, sense of humour, sensitivity, and ability to get diverse groups to work collaboratively together. She is a leader in Appreciative Inquiry as an organizational and community development process, a research methodology and foundation for fostering collaboration in groups. Jeanie has been certified by Company of Experts.net as both an Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator and an appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training (AIFT) Trainer.

Since 1999 Jeanie has worked as an educational and organizational consultant with organizations in the private, public and social-profit sectors. She has extensive experience in facilitating, presenting, training, coaching, conflict resolution, leading and collaboratively designing strategies for individuals, groups, organizations and communities to build positive futures and to respond effectively to change.

Her background includes teaching, presenting and delivering workshops in a variety of areas: appreciative inquiry; team building; leadership; diversity; mathematics; adult learning; instructional skills, planning and design; instructor and program evaluation; and facilitator training. As well Jeanie has had formal leadership roles at Vancouver Community College as Mathematics Department Head, Associate Dean; at the Institute of Indigenous Government where she consulted as Dean in the senior executive team; and at the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education as Project Officer leading a large provincial project.

Her consulting work is based on the expertise that she developed and continues to enhance as an educator and leader, as well as the theoretical/research background she developed in doing her Masters research on “Power and Leadership: A Perspective from College Women” (1993) and her Doctoral  research on “Making Magic: Facilitating Collaborative Processes (2005).

Jeanie has a BA in Mathematics, an MA in Higher Education and an EdD in Educational Leadership and Policy all from the University of British Columbia. She is also an Instructional Skills Facilitator Trainer, Gender and Diversity Facilitator Trainer, Sociocultural Competency Trainer, and Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Trainer.

Publishing includes:

  • Cockell, J. (1999). Power and leadership: A perspective from college women. In Gender and Diversity: Facilitator Guide, 115 – 120. Victoria, BC: Ministry of Advanced Education and Centre for Curriculum Transfer and Technology.
  • Cockell, J. (2006). Making magic: Facilitating collaborative processes. In Research in Action, Proceedings of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (Atlantic Region) conference.
  • Cockell, J. contributor to Reed, J. (2007). Appreciative Inquiry: Research for Change (p. 143, 144, 145). Sage Publishers.
  • Cockell, J. (2007). Making Magic Doing Research. In AI Practitioner: The International Journal of AI Best Practice, 47 – 48, November 2007.
  • Cockell, J. (2008). Appreciative Inquiry. In Four Arrows Don Trent Jacobs (Ed.), The Authentic Dissertation: Alternative Ways of Knowing, Research, and Representation (pp.201 – 205). NY,NY: Routledge.
  • Cockell, J. (2010). The AI Circle. In AI Practitioner: The International Journal of AI Best Practice, 43 – 46, February 2010.

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  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Building Teams
  • Change Management
  • Collaborative Learning
  • Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Developing cultural inclusion in teaching and training
  • Diversity in the Workplace
  • Facilitating
  • Great Teaching or Great Teachers Seminars
  • Instructional Skills Workshops
  • Leadership Training and Development
  • Organizational Development
  • Participatory Learning
  • Presentation Skills Workshops (PSW)
  • Spirit in the Workplace
  • Strategic Planning
  • Teacher or Trainer training and development
  • Visioning and Futuring
  • Women in Leadership