Tag Archives: facilitator

About Us

About Us

We’re focused on providing the absolute best consulting and training business that is based on fairness, equality and inclusivity.  This is our passion; it’s what we love to do.  

Our mission is to inspire the success and connection of people and organizations’ who envision a more sustainable thriving world.

Making a Positive Difference in the World

We support and engage with our local communities, changing lives, thriving together.  Experts on Call lead and participate in meaningful and generative programs in their communities, building an online network with others who share the same values.  Together, we are committed to creating wholeness, harmony and balance.

We are working to be consistently aware of our impact on the environment. As a consulting and training Company, travel is important.  How might we as a Company reduce our footprint and support others who do as well?

Do you have suggestions? Let us know.

Connecting Collaborative Communities for Good

We have outstanding collaborators, Experts on Call worldwide.  We are building the best network of experienced and trained consultants.  The Experts on Call program brings you outstanding, recognized independent consultants all in one location, online. Clients can post jobs and connect directly based on expertise and geography.  Join our newsletter to stay current on trends and events. Or join us on Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter.

The foundation of this collaboration is the commitment to advocating building Communities for Good. Communities of learning and sharing knowledge to support wholeness of heart, equality, breaking down barriers and equality.

Building Generative Systems for Good

Aligning our values with Appreciative Inquiry, we engage in creating systems and structures that support learning and social awareness; creativity, positivity and enthusiasm for living systems with the perseverance to build community with compassion, enthusiasm and trust.