Tag Archives: become a leader

Strength Based Leadership: Positive Approaches for Outstanding Performance

Webinar Overview:

Who we are when we are at our best?  How do leaders and managers learn to discover and leverage their own strengths, capture the human energy within their organizations, and create cultures that help people perform at their best? This program helps participants understand and leverage personal strengths and discover ways of maximizing the strengths of those around them. We’ll explore:

  • The four primary sources of the positive, appreciative, strengths-based movement, and the value of each
  • The business case for this approach to management and leadership
  • Developing an “appreciative eye.”
  • Strengths spotting: discovering others’ strengths and capabilities
  • Capitalizing on the strengths of others; using strengths to build high performing teams
  • Positive approaches for developing a culture of high performance

Designed For:

Leaders, managers, and employees in all levels of an organization.

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will:

  • Understand sources behind the research and theory of positive, appreciative, strengths-based leadership
  • Understand the assessments available for strengths-based work and positive leadership
  • Learn about the business case for these approaches to leadership and management
  • Learn about specific tools for being a positive, appreciative, strengths-based leader/manager
Price: $9.99 USD (for 60-minute webinar recording only) [paid-downloads id=”5″]
Price: $9.99 USD (for 90-minutes webinar recording only) [paid-downloads id=”6″]


Ray Wells, Ph.D., is based in suburban Philadelphia, and specializes in strengths-based approaches in designing leadership, team and organization development programs for clients.  Over the past 22 years, his firm has customized programs and projects for nearly 100 non-profit, business, and education clients in organizations ranging from just a dozen people to the Fortune 500, from the smallest private schools to the Ivy League, from single-office non-profit agencies to the largest corporate health systems.

Ray has been deeply engaged in Appreciative Inquiry work since his initial exposure in 2000.  As a consultant and facilitator, Ray is in the midst of designing his seventh major Appreciative Inquiry Summit.  They include extensive “interventions” and multi-day events for the United Way of Southeast Pennsylvania, North Penn United Way, Penn State University, the U.S. Navy and a large South Jersey transportation company. He is also a co-owner of Appreciative Inquiry Consulting, LLC.

Managing Time on the Run

Webinar Overview:

Do you feel overloaded with things to do? Has your schedule become too complex? Work, school, unemployed, parents, children – how do you find me time when you have so many responsibilities?

In this webinar we will explore ways to balance our home and work.  How we manage our time is increasingly complicated.  Creating that balance is within each of us to do. What are the options for managing time in a rapidly changing World? Your time is valuable – learn how to understand the time management choices you make. Time management should not bring you down – learn some skills to bring back that vibrancy to your life.

Designed For:

Anyone who feels stressed by their daily lives might find the tools and skills learned in this workshop a benefit.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn your time management strengths
  • Learn how you approach planning and managing for your time
  • Develop some new techniques and skills to make wise time choices
Duration: Approximately 1 Hour
Price: $9.99 USD (for webinar recording only) [paid-downloads id=”10″]


Kathy Becker is the president of the Company of Experts, Inc. The Company of Experts has served clients in both the public and private sectors since 1989.  With over thirty years of professional experience in K-12 and higher education, she has served as a Human Resources Officer, Staff Development Coordinator and Equal Employment Opportunity Officer. She has had direct responsibility for labor contract negotiations, sexual harassment training, discrimination investigation, mediation and conflict resolution, discipline and grievance, professional training and leadership development.

Kathy is a trained Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator/Trainer and incorporates AI into her consulting, training, and online teaching. With her background in the public and private sectors as well as a strong commitment to customer service and developing learning organizations, Kathy brings real-world experience to her online workshops. Some of the workshops include: Appreciative Inquiry, Equal Employment Opportunity, Diversity Hiring, Leadership, Customer Relations, Conflict Resolution, Succession Planning and Creating Change through Dialogue.

Managing Conflict at Work

Webinar Overview:

Conflict has a negative impact on organizations and people including productivity, cooperation, communication and the quality of life at work and home (in spite of our best intentions – we take work home and likewise we bring home to work).  Human interaction is at the core of our existence; we are all interconnected. Since conflict – differing opinions, goals, needs, desires, values, beliefs, attitudes or perceptions of entitlement – is a fact of life, the manner in which we manage conflict affects the quality of our interactions, our lives, our communities and our world.

Designed For:

Supervisors, managers and employees retooling for the new economy. Small or larger organization – business, non-profit, military or education, or those seeking a new career.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn to  Identify and analyze Conflict in the Workplace – is it good? Is it bad?
  • Learn and understand factors that influence our perception and reaction
  • Analyze a current conflict situation
  • Learn strategies for managing conflict
  • Learn how your communication style can achieve dramatic results. It is not about difficult situations or difficult people.
  • Understand how to Improve productivity by effectively handling conflict on and off the job.
  • Gain skills to contribute to an open, collaborative work environment.
Duration: Approximately 1 Hour
Price: $9.99 USD (for webinar recording only) [paid-downloads id=”9″]


Kathy Becker is the president of the Company of Experts, Inc. The Company of Experts has served clients in both the public and private sectors since 1989.  With over thirty years of professional experience in K-12 and higher education, she has served as a Human Resources Officer, Staff Development Coordinator and Equal Employment Opportunity Officer. She has had direct responsibility for labor contract negotiations, sexual harassment training, discrimination investigation, mediation and conflict resolution, discipline and grievance, professional training and leadership development.

Kathy is a trained Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator/Trainer and incorporates AI into her consulting, training, and online teaching. With her background in the public and private sectors as well as a strong commitment to customer service and developing learning organizations, Kathy brings real-world experience to her online workshops. Some of the workshops include: Appreciative Inquiry, Equal Employment Opportunity, Diversity Hiring, Leadership, Customer Relations, Conflict Resolution, Succession Planning and Creating Change through Dialogue.

Learning to be Curious: the Heart of Appreciative Inquiry

Webinar Overview:

Appreciative Inquiry is not just about asking positive questions, its also about learning to see the world with fresh eyes, learning to open your mind, heart and will and from that place work with others to allow the future that wants to emerge to come through.  Peter Reason suggests we develop an attitude of inquiry about all of life and especially about our own perceptions and beliefs.  This highly experiential webinar will engage you in activities that will inspire self-reflection and leave you seeing the importance of engaging from a place of curiosity.

Designed For:

Everyone is welcome to participate in this webinar.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Develop an attitude of inquiry
  • Expand your capacity to open your mind, heart and will
  • Challenge your own perceptions and assumptions
Duration: Approximately 1 Hour
Price: $9.99 USD (for webinar recording only) [paid-downloads id=”1″]


Cheri Torres, Ph.D., has more than 30 years experience helping people and organizations expand their capacity for collaboration and excellence. She has worked in the public and private sectors in the US and around the world training trainers and facilitators, facilitating small and large groups, and providing professional development and organizational design consultation.

Cheri’s professional focus is grounded in the field of personal/ collaborative learning. Cheri helps people and organizations shift their workplace practices and design their systems for evolving sustainability. She believes that in today’s world, excellence is a function of learning and innovation and that these are natural outcomes for an appreciative inquiry-based, outcomes-focused organization. She partners with schools and organizations to expand their capacity for multiple ways of knowing, engagement and accountability, thinking together, and acting collaboratively. As a result people change they way they work together and how the organization is designed: a collaborative learning community evolves marked by open and positive relationships and the alignment of social and technical systems.

Helping Students Master the Habits of Effectiveness

Webinar Overview:

Since the publication of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in 1989, the work of Stephen Covey has enabled millions to move from dependency on others, to independence, and on to interdependence. With his first book, and the 2004 sequel The 8th Habit serving as the foundation, this webinar provides valuable applications to today’s college and university students. Having employed Covey’s work in his leadership courses and workshops, Dr. Lyons has attained widespread feedback from students and faculty alike confirming the value of these proven habits.

Designed For:

Faculty, staff, counselors, advisers, and anyone who works directly with students.

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will gain insights into the viability of the Covey approach for achieving improved self-discipline and accountability among their students.

  • Learn and practice strategies for becoming more proactive.
  • Encourage students to begin every important task by focusing on the end they seek to attain.
  • Understand and practice time management, Covey style.
  • The power that is achieved by continually pursuing “win-win” outcomes.
  • Understand the power of listening; learning the benefits of seeking to understand the other person before expecting that person to understand us.
  • Learn and practice strategies and resources that enhance synergy.
  • The benefits of sharpening the saw, i.e. proactively improving one’s own performance.
  • The immediate and long-term benefits of finding one’s voice, then helping others find theirs.
Duration: 1 Hour
Price: $9.99 USD (for webinar recording only)
[paid-downloads id=”7″]


Your webinar presenter, Dr. Richard E. Lyons, has served as a professor of management, department chair, instructional dean, corporate trainer, faculty and staff developer, and independent consultant.  His grounding in sound research and quality management practices, as well as deep learning from his varied experiences, has enabled him to exceed expectations of clients systematically.

Richard launched his consulting and presentation practice in 1999, shortly after the publication of his first book, The Adjunct Professor’s Guide to Success. He has since authored three other books – Teaching College in an Age of Accountability, Success Strategies for Adjunct Faculty, and Best Practices for Supporting Adjunct Faculty. His extensive research on these topics and familiarity with best practices that align with that research undergird his consulting. The strategies that he espouses have been well received not only by clients, but also by audiences in dozens of presentations at varied academic conferences.

Strategic Planning Using Appreciative Inquiry for Colleges and Universities

Webinar Overview:

Appreciative Inquiry is an approach to planning and positive change that has been used successfully in colleges, communities and organizations all around the world.  It is broad-based, highly participative, and energizing.  It builds new skills in faculty and staff, develops new leaders, encourages a culture of inquiry, and helps create shared vision and purpose for your college by building on your core values and strengths.  Perhaps most importantly-it leads to action, commitment, and results.

Designed For:

College presidents, executive teams, planning committees, and Ai Consultants who work with colleges and other public agencies.

Learning Outcomes:

Developing Your College’s Next Strategic Plan with Appreciative Inquiry will provide college executives, executive teams, and planning committees an overview of how Appreciative Inquiry works and answer key questions:

  • How is Appreciative Inquiry different from other planning processes?
  • What resources does planning with Appreciative Inquiry require?
  • Who gets involved and how?
  • How long does it take?
  • What is an Appreciative Inquiry “Summit” and how does my college host one?
  • What does a strategic plan developed through Appreciative Inquiry look like?
Duration: Approximately 1 Hour
Price: $9.99 USD (for webinar recording only)
[paid-downloads id=”11″]


Your facilitator, Dr. Lane Glenn, is the Vice-President of Academic Affairs for a community college in New England and an accomplished Appreciative Inquiry facilitator.  He has worked with several colleges and universities to develop strategic plans using Appreciative Inquiry, and he has provided consulting and training services for organizations in many fields, including K-12 public schools, community non-profit organizations, social service agencies, biotechnology manufacturing, public health, and national grass roots advocacy.  He has an enthusiastic and engaging presentation style and encourages interaction in webinars.

Healing Healthcare Organizations

Webinar Overview:

Healthcare organizations are unique for several reasons: they are heavily regulated; rely on knowledge construction and use rather than information management; have caring for others as their primary reason for existence; are both high tech and high touch; and require continual change and innovation for sustainability.

These factors create a dynamic system in which the development of a culture of inquiry is necessary to support an environment in which change and innovation can thrive.  Appreciation creates the context for this healing environment through inquiry, relationship, and communication.

Healing is defined as “the natural process by which the body repairs itself. We can apply this same conceptual definition to healthcare-establishing a healing environment that will allow the “body to repair itself” through appreciative inquiry.

Healthcare organizations are complex systems that have historically approached change from a problem-identification and problem-solving framework. This approach works well for simple, time-limited, functional problems.  In order to change, transform, and yes, even heal the organization, a different approach is needed. Appreciative Inquiry provides that foundation for change, transformation, and healing. What we need are ways to transform the organizational culture through inquiry, relationship, communication, and collaborative partnerships. 

Designed For:

Doctors, nurses, administrators, healthcare educators, technicians, specialists, therapists, healthcare assistants, individuals working at nursing homes or assisted livings — in short, anyone who involved in the healthcare industry who wants to learn how to improve the culture of the healthcare organization in which they work.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe the elements of a healing environment: inquiry, relationship, and communication.
  • Examine ways to facilitate positive change that create a healing environment.
  • Construct strategies for creating a healing environment in your organization.
  • Reflect on your own personal characteristics as a leader of change.
Duration: Approximately 1 Hour
Price: $9.99 USD (for webinar recording only)
[paid-downloads id=”2″]


Kristen Crusoe RN, MN, EdD has been in healthcare for over 20 years, working as a nursing leader and educator, consultant, and writer/researcher.  Dr. Crusoe has been an engaged AI facilitator for the past several years, and has worked with hospital, clinic, academic, and private organizations.  Kristen has a BA from Florida State University, a Master’s of Nursing from Oregon Health Sciences University, and a Doctor of Education from Oregon State University. She is on the faculty of Oregon Health Sciences University, Southwestern Oregon Community College, and University of Phoenix.  Kristen has extensive experience working with complex system improvements utilizing multiple quality improvement methodologies, including the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Positive Deviance, and SOAR.

From Perfection to Sustainable Growth: Practicing the Art of Appreciative Inquiry

Webinar Overview:

Built to last is out . . . Designed to Evolve is in.  The notion of perfection can only exist in a static world.  We live in complex, dynamic times and only organizations and communities that are designed to evolve will be capable of sustainable growth.  This webinar explores four basic capacities necessary for self-evolving systems. Participants will leave the webinar with materials that will support interpersonal practices that support collaborative learning and innovation.

Designed For:

Managers, supervisors, CEOs, anyone working in an organization

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Introduction, practices and exercises associated with each of the four META capacities: Multiple ways of knowing, Engagement & accountability, Thinking together, and Acting collaboratively.
  2. Learn practical ways to take the “META practice” into the workplace and life.
Duration: Approximately 1 Hour
Price: $9.99 USD (for webinar recording only)
[paid-downloads id=”3″]


Dr. Cheri Torres has more than 30 years experience helping people and organizations expand their capacity for collaboration and excellence. She has worked in the public and private sectors in the US and around the world training trainers and facilitators, facilitating small and large groups, and providing professional development and organizational design consultation.

Cheri’s professional focus is grounded in the field of personal/ collaborative learning. Cheri helps people and organizations shift their workplace practices and design their systems for evolving sustainability. She believes that in today’s world, excellence is a function of learning and innovation and that these are natural outcomes for an appreciative inquiry-based, outcomes-focused organization. She partners with schools and organizations to expand their capacity for multiple ways of knowing, engagement and accountability, thinking together, and acting collaboratively. As a result people change they way they work together and how the organization is designed: a collaborative learning community evolves marked by open and positive relationships and the alignment of social and technical systems.

Cheri holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology with a specialization in Collaborative Learning from the University of Tennessee. She also holds an MBA, a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology, and level II certification in Spiral Dynamics Integral. She serves on the board for the Media Arts Project of Asheville, NC and has authored numerous books and articles including The Appreciative Facilitator: Accelerated Learning Practices, From Conflict to Collaboration, and Dynamic Relationships: Unleashing the Power of Appreciative Inquiry in Daily Living. She also co-designed and patented Mobile Team Challenge, an award-winning, portable low ropes course.  She is a member of the Society for Organizational Learning, the Taos Institute, the American Association of School Administrators, the International Organization for Noetic Sciences and Spiral Dynamics Integral.

Accreditation Solutions

Accreditation solutions that work for your school, college, or university. USE YOUR VALUABLE TRAINING AND CONSULTING DOLLARS WISELY.

Your accreditation embodies the excellence and innovation that your institution strives to be known for. We can assist in creating a professional product that you and your institution can be proud of by bringing our experience and expertise to this important process.

The Company of Experts, Inc. provides a range of services to help colleges and universities facilitate their accreditation or the re-affirmation of their accreditation while engaging stakeholders to assess and identify strengths for full buy-in of the accreditation standards and organizational outcomes.

Colleges and Universities are facing fiscal and accountability challenges during a time of unique opportunities to create new programs and services to students. The accreditation process has become more demanding to demonstrate performance outcomes and an increasingly visible means for colleges and universities to demonstrate measurable performance improvement.

Accreditation services are provided by educators and administrators that have had direct experience within an organization, just like yours, as well as collaborating with various accrediting bodies. They understand your needs and your unique challenges. Why hire someone for this crucial role who has to learn about the accreditation processes affecting colleges, schools, and universities? Hire an expert…

Company of Experts, Inc. is a service provider for the American Association of Community College

Areas of Expertise:

  • Accreditation Self-Study Support
  • Assessing Intended Learning Outcomes
  • Assistance with writing and proofreading accreditation self-study documents
  • Collaboration with Accrediting Organizations
  • Designing, developing, and maintaining an accreditation website for all stakeholders working on the accreditation process
  • Developing faculty and staff learning and professional development programs
  • Editing and Planning
  • Mock Accreditation Panels
  • Research, evaluation, and stakeholder engagement for program development and enhancement
  • Restructuring
  • Strategic Planning
  • Team Development

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