Tag Archives: Myer-Briggs Type Indicator

Ray Wells

Ray Wells

Ray Wells, based in the Philadelphia region, is the president of a consulting firm that uses a strengths-based approach in designing leadership, team and organization development programs for its clients. This approach, which focuses on accentuating and building on “who we are when we are at our best,” has helped the firm capture the energy and professional passion of the people it serves. Ray has been certified by Company of Experts.net as an Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator and Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Trainer (AIFT ©).

Since 1987,  the firm has customized programs and projects for nearly 100 non-profit, business, and education clients in organizations ranging from just a dozen people to the Fortune 500, from the smallest private schools to the Ivy League, from single-office non-profit agencies to the largest corporate health systems. When necessary, the firm draws on the talent of a host of trainers, facilitators and consultants with whom it regularly partners.

Ray’s own strengths and professional passion are focused on guiding higher education institutions and their leaders in transforming the post-secondary educational landscape. He has assisted with major change initiatives at Penn State University, Lehigh University, the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, the University of Connecticut, and in the growing Drexel University system. He has facilitated whole systems change workshops for the National Association of Presidential Assistants in Higher Education, the American Council on Education, and A Community of Agile Partners in Education (CAPE), a not-for-profit Pennsylvania-based consortium of higher education and K-12 members, where he has served as a consultant since January of 2001.

In 2001 Ray joined the faculty of the Foundation for the Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) as a leadership scholar/instructor. The annual FAIMER Institute serves medical school faculty from developing countries in South America, Africa and Asia who have the potential to play a key role in improving medical education in their schools.

Over a four-year span at Princeton University, Ray worked with an on-going culture change program targeted towards Princeton’s top 450 administrators and managers. Among many other projects, he assisted with the design of several management development conferences and post-conference training programs on the challenges of change, process improvement, the introduction of a performance enhancement initiative, and the impact of new technology on organizational processes.

Ray earned his Master of Arts from Bowling Green State University (OH) in college student development and his Ph.D. in applied social-psychology from Temple University, where his research focused on how leadership creates and maintains a sense of community on a college campus. He has held professional student affairs positions at Arizona State University, Southeast Missouri State University, and Temple University.

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  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training
  • Developing a Shared Vision
  • Drexler-Sibbet Team Performance System
  • Effecting Sustainable Change
  • Executive Coaching
  • Future Search Conferences
  • High Impact Strategic Planning
  • High Performing Teams
  • Knowledge Management
  • Leadership Styles
  • Leadership Training and Development
  • Learning Communities
  • Managing Time Management
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • Performance Enhancement
  • Project Management
  • Situational Leadership
  • Team Building
  • Team Development

Cheri Torres


What might be possible if community and organization members were fully engaged and using their strengths to collectively achieve shared visions?

This is the question that motivates Cheri Torres and has her focused on collaboration. Given current global challenges, Cheri uses strengths-based organizational design practices to help clients respond effectively to increasing levels of complexity in their environments and growing demand for innovation and change. Her strategy is to expand collaborative capacity in communities and organizations using Appreciative Inquiry, Sociotechnical Systems Design, and Experiential Learning.  She does this by partnering with her clients to intentionally design workplace environments, multi-stakeholder conversations, organizational systems and individual and team training to maximize value for all stakeholders.

Her experience has taught her that systems and events that are intentionally designed for collaboration elicit our inherent collaborative capacity, regardless of our differences in background, views, or values. Expanding that capacity through lessons and intentional practice leads to increasing competence in thinking and working together with joy and creativity, resulting in sustainable innovation and ever-evolving excellence.

Cheri believes people are capable of extraordinary contributions when given the opportunity; consequently, she works with organization and community leadership to design for full engagement, and she provides strategies for people to expand their capacity to take advantage of new opportunities.  Her training and coaching programs are uniquely designed for immediate and long-term impact, focusing on changing workplace practices rather than people.

Cheri has worked in education, healthcare, manufacturing, service industries, government, military, and community services thoughout the United States as well as in Mexico, Canada, Ireland, and Great Britain. She has trained thousands in the practice of Appreciative Inquiry and Experiential Learning and she has authored or co-authored numerous articles and books, including Dynamic Relationships: Unleashing the Power of Appreciative Inquiry in Daily Living, The Appreciative Facilitator, and From Conflict to Collaboration. In 1996 she co-designed a patented, award winning, innovative portable challenge course training using Appreciative Inquiry, which is used in hundreds of schools, community youth programs, military training programs, and corporations around the world.

Cheri holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology with a specialization in Collaborative Learning from the University of Tennessee. She also holds an MBA, a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology, Level II certification in Spiral Dynamics Integral, and training in the Sociotechnical Systems Design Process.

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  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Appreciative Process
  • Collaborative Decision Making
  • Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Leadership
  • Learning Styles
  • Management Development
  • Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • Service Learning
  • Team Building