Tag Archives: curriculum design

Luke Younge

Luke Younge_Expert on Call

Luke Younge is a facilitator for an international NPO that trains people in mindfulness, compassion and insight practices. His passion is releasing people’s capacities through positive, insight-based processes. As well as his local work, he was part of a team that launched a comprehensive mindfulness-trainer programme in South Africa and Scotland. In Scotland that programme is now an MSc in Mindfulness at the University of Aberdeen.

In addition to his facilitation work, he currently serves as a Director of the Institute for Mindfulness South Africa, an NPO committed to the practice, research and application of mindfulness. He is also a fellow of Mindfulness Africa.

His twin loves, human potential and Art, come together in his work as an award-winning producer of media for organisational development. He has produced educational and inspirational video materials that use the principles of positive change for a variety audiences, including the South African education department and national NGOs.

Some recent work involves a 3 hour workshop for over 400 high schools that works with the values of compassion and acceptance in contemporary South Africa.

After graduating with distinction in Fine Art he has worked extensively as a facilitator and teacher in the field of mindfulness and self awareness. He is a facilitator and facilitator trainer for Mindfulness Africa, the African branch of Mindfulness Scotland, the NGO that has just launched the MSc. He is a qualified AI facilitator and AI facilitator trainer trainee with Company of Experts.

He is always looking for ways in which to apply the appreciative process and principles, be it through developing training programmes, evaluating projects, coaching or media production. He aspires to bring out the very best in people through attention, awareness, dialogue and humour.

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  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training
  • Creativity
  • Curriculum Design
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Developing clarity in teaching or training
  • Facilitator Training
  • Humor in the Classroom
  • Instructional media
  • Patient-Person Centered Care
  • Retreats
  • Technology in and out of the classroom

Diana Kelly

Diana Kelly

Diana K. Kelly has over 25 years of experience in higher education, providing faculty development seminars and workshops in the U.S., Ireland, England, and Germany. She has also made several keynote presentations for colleges and for international conferences on teaching and learning as well as lifelong learning.

In her stimulating workshops and seminars, Diana models “best practice” by using active learning methods and by providing practical materials for participants to use in their teaching. She also facilitates an imaginative “visioning” process for strategic planning, including developing a campus strategy for teaching and learning.

Diana Kelly has written chapters for two recent books on faculty development:

  1. “Do You.Know What Your Students Are Learning? (And do you care?)” in Emerging Issues in the Practice of University Teaching and Learning published in Ireland by the All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE).
  2. “Planning and Running Events” in A Guide to Staff and Educational Development, edited by Peter Kahn & David Baume. London: Kogan Page.

Diana Kelly earned her doctorate and master’s degree in Higher Education at the Claremont Graduate University. Her bachelor’s degree is in Communications (Broadcasting) from California State University, Fullerton. Before starting to teach at Fullerton College in 1980 she was a radio broadcaster at KWIZ radio in Santa Ana.

As a graduate of Fullerton College (AA English), Diana Kelly is strongly committed to the mission of community colleges and understands the challenges of teaching and learning in community colleges. She worked in the California Community Colleges for 19 years, first as a full-time faculty member in Communications, then as a faculty developer, and finally as an Associate Dean of Continuing Education.

Most recently Diana Kelly has spent six years in leadership roles in faculty development in two well-respected universities in Ireland: the Dublin Institute of Technology and Trinity College Dublin. Diana Kelly has returned to California, working as a full-time higher education consultant.

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  • Active Learning
  • Adult Learning
  • Alternative Instructional Delivery
  • Assessment and Testing
  • Classroom Assessment Techniques
  • Curriculum Design
  • Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn
  • Experiential Learning
  • Facilitating
  • Faculty training and development
  • Learning-centered teaching and training
  • Learning paradigm
  • self-esteem building
  • Learning Styles
  • Learning Theory
  • Outcomes-based teaching or training
  • Part-time faculty teaching and development
  • Program review
  • Resume Writing
  • Strategic Planning
  • Visioning and Planning