Tag Archives: consulting

Cheri Torres


What might be possible if community and organization members were fully engaged and using their strengths to collectively achieve shared visions?

This is the question that motivates Cheri Torres and has her focused on collaboration. Given current global challenges, Cheri uses strengths-based organizational design practices to help clients respond effectively to increasing levels of complexity in their environments and growing demand for innovation and change. Her strategy is to expand collaborative capacity in communities and organizations using Appreciative Inquiry, Sociotechnical Systems Design, and Experiential Learning.  She does this by partnering with her clients to intentionally design workplace environments, multi-stakeholder conversations, organizational systems and individual and team training to maximize value for all stakeholders.

Her experience has taught her that systems and events that are intentionally designed for collaboration elicit our inherent collaborative capacity, regardless of our differences in background, views, or values. Expanding that capacity through lessons and intentional practice leads to increasing competence in thinking and working together with joy and creativity, resulting in sustainable innovation and ever-evolving excellence.

Cheri believes people are capable of extraordinary contributions when given the opportunity; consequently, she works with organization and community leadership to design for full engagement, and she provides strategies for people to expand their capacity to take advantage of new opportunities.  Her training and coaching programs are uniquely designed for immediate and long-term impact, focusing on changing workplace practices rather than people.

Cheri has worked in education, healthcare, manufacturing, service industries, government, military, and community services thoughout the United States as well as in Mexico, Canada, Ireland, and Great Britain. She has trained thousands in the practice of Appreciative Inquiry and Experiential Learning and she has authored or co-authored numerous articles and books, including Dynamic Relationships: Unleashing the Power of Appreciative Inquiry in Daily Living, The Appreciative Facilitator, and From Conflict to Collaboration. In 1996 she co-designed a patented, award winning, innovative portable challenge course training using Appreciative Inquiry, which is used in hundreds of schools, community youth programs, military training programs, and corporations around the world.

Cheri holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology with a specialization in Collaborative Learning from the University of Tennessee. She also holds an MBA, a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology, Level II certification in Spiral Dynamics Integral, and training in the Sociotechnical Systems Design Process.

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  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Appreciative Process
  • Collaborative Decision Making
  • Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Leadership
  • Learning Styles
  • Management Development
  • Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • Service Learning
  • Team Building

Roseanna G. Ross

Roseanna G. Ross

Roseanna G.  Ross, is Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication Studies at a state university in Minnesota.  She was Internship Director for the department for 18 years, and was Director of the Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence for 5 years. In addition, Roseanna currently serves as a campus mediator in the university mediation program.

Roseanna’s professional publications include the development of a self-report instrument to assess communicative messages in conflict (Ross-DeWine CMMS).  She is also co-author of two books: “The Internship As Partnership: a Handbook for Businesses, Nonprofits and Government Agencies,” and “The Internship as Partnership: A Handbook for Campus-Based Coordinators and Advisors.” As Senior Associate in the “Developing the Leadership of America’s Next Generation of Nonprofit Leaders” joint project of the National Society for Experiential Education, Regis University and the Center for Creative Leadership, Ross developed and facilitated a series of institutes for interns and mentors.

Roseanna Ross is an energetic, creative presenter, trainer and storyteller, and experienced process consultant. As an independent communication consultant and trainer, Roseanna has over 30 years of experience in designing and facilitating seminars, assessing organizational communication needs, and providing keynote presentations for both the public and private sectors.

Dr. Ross was a recipient of the National Society for Experiential Learning 2006 Pioneer in Experiential Learning Award and the 1999 Young Leader in Experiential Learning Award. Roseanna received the 1998 MnSCU Center for Teaching and Learning Star Leader Award. Ross has received teaching awards including the Central States Speech Association Outstanding Young Teacher Award and the Ohio University Department of Education Distinguished Alumni Award.  She was also listed in Outstanding Young Women of America in 1985, and was honored as an International Women of the Year 1992-1993. Dr. Ross taught for a year in Japan 1991-1992. She was Director of the University’s Center for British Studies, Alnwick England, 1993-1994 and was Academic Director for that program in Summer 2006, and Summer 1996.

Roseanna Ross earned a BS in education at Ohio University, and a Master of Arts in communication from Ohio State University and is a Doctor of Philosophy in communication theory, speech communication and higher education from Ohio University.

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  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Customer Relations
  • Developing Effective Relationships in the Workplace
  • Department chair training and development
  • Experiential Learning Theory and Strategies
  • Interpersonal Conflict Management
  • Listening and Feedback
  • Internship Program Design, Monitoring, and Supervision
  • Mediation Mentoring
  • Meeting Management
  • NonVerbal Communication
  • Process Consulting for Identification of Organizational Communication Needs
  • Storytelling
  • Team Building

Nicholas Holton

Contact Information:

610 W. Rose City Road
Rose City, MI USA 48654


Work: (989) 275-5000 ext. 412
Home: (989) 685-3290

Skype: NicholasHolton

Beechwood Communications

Social Media Networks:

Working Portfolio:
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Nick Holton_Profile Pic 2013

Nicholas Holton has worked as a professional educator his whole career. First as a math instructor and now at a community college as an Associate Dean for General Education, Nicholas has been a leader in innovation by design. His workshops have visited four continents, and include strategic planning, appreciative inquiry, service learning, and engaged learning techniques. He is sought out as an invited speaker and his keynote and other presentations draw an international audience. Nicholas’ appreciative inquiry teams work with small nonprofits and whole community colleges. He conducted an Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Workshop (AIFT) in Perth, Australia and his clients are located all over the world including: Scotland, Chile and India. His professional passions include anything that helps people improve the human condition. He is committed to this also in he personal life as he sits on several nonprofit boards and volunteers regularly at community events.



  • Appreciative Inquiry Consulting & Training
  • Board Training & Retreats
  • Faculty Development
  • Grant Writing
  • Keynote & Plenary Presentations
  • Large-Scale Summit Design
  • Leadership Development & Training
  • Non-Profit Services
  • Organizational Development
  • Service Learning
  • Small Business Consulting
  • Strategic Development
  • Student Leadership Training
  • Workshop Facilitation


  • Community College: Is it right for you?
  • Incorporating Service Learning Into a Traditional Curriculum
  • Indicators of Engaged Institutions
  • Myths Of Service Learning
  • Reaching Out, While Reaching In
  • Rural Service Learning: Special Obstacles and Great Opportunities
  • Service Learning On A Shoestring
  • Service Learning: What Works And What Doesn’t!”
  • Tech Prep and Service Learning: A Natural Combination
  • Top Ten Issues Related to Successful Service Learning Experiences”
  • Using Appreciative Inquiry To Transform Your Teaching

Appreciative Inquiry Summits:

  • Campus Compact Presidential Summit: Facilitator
  • College Wide Strategic Planning Summit
  • Great Start Collaborative Strategic Planning
  • HeadStart Strategic Planning
  • National Rural Service Learning Summit
  • National Summit, Event facilitator
  • Service Learning Advisory Board Strategic Planning
  • Strategic Planning, COP Collaborative


  • Appreciative Inquiry Strategic Planning Workshop
  • Appreciative Inquiry Team Building
  • Appreciative Inquiry Team Building Workshop
  • Developing Our Strengths: Appreciating Our Differences
  • Faculty Course Design Workshop
  • Faculty Workshop on Service Learning


  • Reframing The Social Contract in Higher Education


  • Issues in Rural Service Learning


  • Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training (AIFT), Co-trainer
  • Creating High Performance Teams Using Appreciative Inquiry
  • International Service Learning: Guatemala & Nicaragua
  • ACTS Academy (Bangalore, India)
  • American Association of Community Colleges
  • Central Michigan University
  • Community College National Center for Civic Engagement
  • Company of Experts
  • Georgia State Government
  • Great Start Collaborative
  • Houston Community College
  • Kirtland Community College
  • Lake Superior State University
  • Macomb Community College
  • Michigan Campus Compact
  • MSU Extension
  • North East Michigan Community Service Agency
  • Northern Essex Community College
  • Northern Michigan University
  • Oakland Community College
  • Ogemaw County Humane Society
  • Rondo Tree Service
  • Rose City Greenhouse
  • Rural Alliance for Service Learning
  • Rural Community College Alliance
  • Smart Schools Foundation
  • St. Clair Community College
  • University of Alaska
  • “I have known Nick since 2009, and was fortunate enough to take part in an Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training (AIFT) that he tutored. The four days of the AIFT were both inspiring and exciting, and Nick made the training relevant to the wide variety of participants. I have also followed with interest Nick’s service learning program, and am impressed that all of his students think so highly of him.” ~ Anne Tierney, Senior University Teacher at University of Glasgow
  • “Mr. Holton, as I have addressed him for the last 27 years, was my high school math teacher who became what I consider my mentor. Five years ago, as I did some grant writing for his company, he thought it was time I called him by his first name. I just couldn’t due to the enormous amount of respect I have for this man. His motto has always been learn more, better yourself, and hopefully as a result make the world a better place. This is what he encourages, inspires, and aids others to do, whether they are students, business associates, or friends. I feel privileged to have been all three!“~ Michelle Jacobs, Independent Consultant, Electrical & Controls Engineers at Match Point Controls, LLC

Linda Watkins

Linda Watkins

Linda Watkins has been associated with community colleges for 20 years.

She currently serves as President of San Jacinto College South in Houston, Texas. Before becoming President, Linda taught on all levels from middle school through graduate school. She has served in various administrative roles, including department chair, dean, Vice President of Instruction, and Vice President of Student Services.

Linda has been certified by Company of Experts.net as an Appreciate Inquiry Facilitator. She works with many local organizations in the areas of planning and organizational change. Linda holds a doctoral degree in Secondary and Higher Education, a masters degree in sociology, and a bachelor of arts in language studies. She works with groups to bring about change through systematic planning and by building upon the strengths of individuals and institutions.

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  • Active Learning
  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Academic Master Planning
  • Accreditation and Program Assessment
  • Assessment of teaching and learning
  • Building Teams
  • Community Building
  • Community College Mission and History
  • Creative Thinking
  • Dealing with Difficult Students and Situations
  • Department Chair training and development
  • Group Processes
  • Institutional Effectiveness
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Organizational Change
  • Quality Improvement
  • Restructuring
  • Servant Leadership
  • Transformational Leadership
  • Women in Leadership

Jim Pulliam

Contact Information:

5920 S. Rainbow Blvd, Ste 4,
Las Vegas, Nevada 89118


Work: (702) 228-4699
Mobile: (760) 333-4993

Skype: jim_pulliam

Center for Appreciative Inquiry
Company of Experts, Inc.
Department Chair Institute

Working Portfolio:
Download Resume


My “walk” is no different from others nor the opportunities or achievements any greater. Spending time in the financial markets, teaching from the primary grades to graduate school, serving as a founding College President, Vice President of the Company of Experts and CEO of a software Company are professional experiences. Volunteer organizations range from holding professional statewide office, foundation boards, regional economic development board and serving as an appointee of a Governor on a BRAC Commission.

What have I learned? I have learned that our similarities are greater than our differences. Differences of people can be measured in millimeters not miles. It all depends on ones perspective.

I have also learned that destiny is up to us. One once said, “ it isn’t a journey but a quest”. A journey happens, a quest is something we thirst for.

What have I observed? I have observed that those making the greatest contribution for others are living lives of significance not necessarily one for their personal success.

What do I believe? I believe it is up to you, and you and me.

  • Appreciative Inquiry Consulting & Training
  • Board Training & Retreats
  • Business Consulting
  • Coaching
  • Content Development
  • Large-Scale Summit Design
  • Leadership Development & Training
  • Organizational Development
  • Strategic Development
  • Succession Planning
  • Workshop Facilitation

Macon Miracle:

  • Creating the Macon Miracle (Part 1) – “Creating the Macon” – Bibb County School District, with the help of the Center for Appreciative Inquiry, conducted a Strategic Planning session using Appreciative Inquiry. With 4500 people in attendance, this is the largest Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Summit known to date. In this video, Dr. Romain Dallemand opens the session with a powerful speech.
  • Creating the Macon Miracle (Part 2) – Day 2 of the Macon Miracle, Dr. Romain Dallemand shares his gratitude and excitement about the possibilities & opportunities that emerged through the inquiries conducted on Day 1.

World Appreciative Inquiry Conference (WAIC) 2012:

  • Anne Gathumbi WAIC Interview – Anne Gathumbi is a program manager with OSIEA and the Open Society Law and Health Initiative. She is responsible for the organization’s work to promote legal initiatives to advance the human rights of East Africans living with and affected by HIV/AIDS
  • Kathy Becker WAIC Interview – President of the Company of Experts talks about her experiences with Appreciative Inquiry
  • Bibb County School District
  • Disability Rights Nebraska
  • State University of New York (SUNY)
“Just a note to say how much I appreciate what you’re doing in the world and to let you know that AI continues to inform many aspects of all that I do.
~ Susan Sanford, Certified AI Facilitator

Kristen Crusoe

Kristen Crusoe

Dr. Kristen Crusoe is a Professor of Nursing, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse, and Appreciative Inquiry facilitator. Kristen is also an Organization Development practitioner specializing in Whole System Design through team-building, collaboration, communication, and relationship-based change. Kristen has roots in both Education and Healthcare and is successful leading change in both of these highly complex and turbulent arenas. She has experience as a facilitator, practitioner, teacher, department chair, manager, and director in healthcare organizations, community college, and university environments.

The major focus of Kristen’s current practice includes using Appreciative Inquiry as a Change and Quality Improvement model for healthcare and education. She has lead initiatives for cultural excellence in healthcare and educational organizations including strategic planning, leadership development, quality improvement initiatives, and change management. Kristen is skilled in the art of appreciative reframing, leveraging opportunities, and collaborative relationship building.

Kristen has a BA from Florida State University, a Master’s of Nursing from Oregon Health Sciences University, and a Doctor of Education from Oregon State University. She is a Certified Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator with the Company of Experts. She is also a Certified Dance Therapist and Yoga teacher. Kristen lives both on the Oregon Coast and in Pensacola, Florida.

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  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Change management
  • Chief Executive Officer evaluation
  • Collaborative Partnerships
  • Conflict management
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy for individuals and groups
  • Dialogue
  • Holistic approach to organizational development and change
  • Leadership Development
  • Mediation
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • OpenSpace Technology
  • Organizational Relapse Prevention and treatment
  • Patient-Person Centered care
  • Performance Valuation
  • Strategic Planning
  • Strategic Planning Relationship Building
  • Team Building
  • Therapeutic Relationships within the workplace
  • Visioning
  • Whole System Change

Sue Tsuda

Sue Tsuda

Sue Tsuda has experience in the complementary arenas of local government and community colleges. Sue has served in staff positions in local government ranging from intern to city manager in Oregon and California. She also has served as an appointed and as an elected official including city council. Her experience in education includes coordinating programs in CalWORKs, Workforce Development, Student Support Services, career and transfer planning, providing instruction in student success, life skills, workplace skills, career planning, tutor training, history, and government. She also is a successful grant writer. Land use planning and economic development are particular areas of interest.

Ms. Tsuda has her Masters degree in Public Administration from California State University, Long Beach and a Bachelors degree in Political Science from California State University, Fullerton. She also has a certificate in Urban Planning from University of California Extension, at Irvine and post-graduate work toward another Masters Degree in Urban Planning at Cal-Poly, Pomona.

Sue came into local government as a volunteer with the League of Women Voters and later went to work in the field she loves. Her greatest compensation is the opportunity to help others help themselves. The day she was hired as the first Town Manager of Yucca Valley, CA, the town experienced a 7.6 earthquake. The silver lining was the law that allows a fast track to formation of a Redevelopment Agency that is useful as an economic development tool.

Ms. Tsuda’s career has provided broad experience in both local government and community college issues and opportunities.

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  • Adult Learning
  • Building Teams
  • Career Development
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Coalition Building
  • Community Building
  • Community Development and Community Partnership
  • Continuous Learning
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Dealing with Difficult People
  • Economic Development
  • Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn
  • Goal Setting and Time Management
  • Government relations/ lobbying
  • Job analysis and design
  • Mentoring
  • Reaching consensus
  • Service Learning
  • Spirit in the workplace
  • Teaching at-risk students
  • Training

Diana Kelly

Diana Kelly

Diana K. Kelly has over 25 years of experience in higher education, providing faculty development seminars and workshops in the U.S., Ireland, England, and Germany. She has also made several keynote presentations for colleges and for international conferences on teaching and learning as well as lifelong learning.

In her stimulating workshops and seminars, Diana models “best practice” by using active learning methods and by providing practical materials for participants to use in their teaching. She also facilitates an imaginative “visioning” process for strategic planning, including developing a campus strategy for teaching and learning.

Diana Kelly has written chapters for two recent books on faculty development:

  1. “Do You.Know What Your Students Are Learning? (And do you care?)” in Emerging Issues in the Practice of University Teaching and Learning published in Ireland by the All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE).
  2. “Planning and Running Events” in A Guide to Staff and Educational Development, edited by Peter Kahn & David Baume. London: Kogan Page.

Diana Kelly earned her doctorate and master’s degree in Higher Education at the Claremont Graduate University. Her bachelor’s degree is in Communications (Broadcasting) from California State University, Fullerton. Before starting to teach at Fullerton College in 1980 she was a radio broadcaster at KWIZ radio in Santa Ana.

As a graduate of Fullerton College (AA English), Diana Kelly is strongly committed to the mission of community colleges and understands the challenges of teaching and learning in community colleges. She worked in the California Community Colleges for 19 years, first as a full-time faculty member in Communications, then as a faculty developer, and finally as an Associate Dean of Continuing Education.

Most recently Diana Kelly has spent six years in leadership roles in faculty development in two well-respected universities in Ireland: the Dublin Institute of Technology and Trinity College Dublin. Diana Kelly has returned to California, working as a full-time higher education consultant.

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  • Active Learning
  • Adult Learning
  • Alternative Instructional Delivery
  • Assessment and Testing
  • Classroom Assessment Techniques
  • Curriculum Design
  • Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn
  • Experiential Learning
  • Facilitating
  • Faculty training and development
  • Learning-centered teaching and training
  • Learning paradigm
  • self-esteem building
  • Learning Styles
  • Learning Theory
  • Outcomes-based teaching or training
  • Part-time faculty teaching and development
  • Program review
  • Resume Writing
  • Strategic Planning
  • Visioning and Planning

Nancy Stetson

Nancy Stetson

Nancy E. Stetson, Ed.D., was the founding president of Company of Experts.net (COE.net), a highly successful firm she founded in 1989 primarily to serve the professional and organizational needs of colleges, community colleges, schools and universities. She and her business partner, Charles R. Miller, sold the business to COE.net principals Jim Pulliam and Kathy Becker in 2005. While mostly retired, Nancy occasionally serves as an Expert on Call for COE.net.

Since 1979, Nancy personally has provided hundreds of consulting, executive coaching, facilitating, keynoting, and training services to more than 125 organizations-corporations and businesses, educational organizations, governmental organizations, and non-profit organizations-and, within those organizations, to many groups and individuals.

Nancy has made more than 100 presentations at international, national, and state conferences. She also has published dozens of professional articles and monographs. She is the co-author, with Miller, of Appreciative Inquiry in the Community College: Early Stories of Success, published in 2004 by the League for Innovation in the Community College; and author of Stories of Positive Change in the Community College: Appreciative Inquiry in Action, published in 2008 by Company of Experts.net. Her publications also include light verse, poetry and short stories, and she is currently seeking an agent for several “picture” books for preschoolers.

While working as a part-time consultant, Nancy also worked full time from 1972-91 for several colleges, holding a variety of executive-level management positions including Vice President for Planning and Development and acting Vice President for Student Services. From 1991-97, she taught college courses full time. From 1997-2001, she taught many part-time undergraduate and doctoral-level courses in business, communications, education and leadership/management/supervision, face-to-face and online, at six different two and four-year public and private colleges and universities. She continues to be a Mentor/Assessor in Walden University’s Ph.D. in Education online program, specializing in Community College Leadership.

Jane Magruder Watkins and Ralph Kelly of Appreciative Inquiry Unlimited trained Nancy as an Appreciative Inquiry practitioner. She holds a doctorate in higher education from Nova Southeastern University, and did post-doctoral work in higher education on classroom assessment at University of California at Berkeley with K. Patricia Cross and Thomas A. Angelo. Nancy earned a Master of Science degree in individualized studies/organizational behavior from Central Washington University, a Bachelor of Arts degree in writing and development from The Evergreen State College, and an Associate in Arts degree from Wenatchee Valley College. She also attended Swarthmore College for several years before taking a 13-year break in her education in order to be a full-time parent to her two daughters, Laurel and Nancy Lee. She is the proud grandmother of Laurel’s two sons, Connor and Brendan; and pays motherly and grandmotherly attention to some of her former husband’s children and grandchildren.

Nancy’s honors and awards include:

  • 2008 – Marquis Who’s Who in America; 2001 – International Who’s Who of Professionals; 1990, 2007 – Marquis Who’s Who of American Women; 1993, 2007 – Marquis Who’s Who in American Education [Marquis Who’s Who is the definitive biographical resource of top professionals. Selection is based on leadership positions, educational attainments, significant publishing or public speaking experience, or contributions to the communities]
  • 2003 – Lorraine Barry Individual Leadership Award from the California Community College Council for Staff and Organizational Development (4C/SD)
  • 2002 – With Charles Miller, Western Region John Fry Individual Merit Award from the National Council for Staff, Program, and Organizational Development for outstanding contributions to staff, program, and organizational development at the regional and local level 
  • 1998-2002 – Executive Board Outstanding Service Award from the California Community College Council for Staff and Organizational Development
  • 1997-98 – National Leadership Award from the National Council for Staff, Program, and Organizational Development for outstanding contributions in writing, research and advocacy that promoted the goals of staff, program, and organizational development at the national level
  • 1997 – Commendation Resolution for 15-1/2 years of dedicated service to the students and staff of College of Marin, Marin Community College District Board of Trustees
  • 1993-94 – Certificate of Appreciation for service on Commission on Trustee and Staff Development, Community College League of California
  • 1990-91 – Certificate of Appreciation for service on Commission on Research, Community College League of California
  • 1990 – Practitioner’s Hall of Fame by Nova Southeastern University for excellent contributions leading to the improvement of educational practice (shared governance work at College of Marin and state-wide publications in shared governance)
  • 1983 – Certificate of Appreciation, The Small Business Center, College of Marin
  • 1982 – Board Service Award; 1983 – Vice President of Programs Award, National Council for Resource Development
  • 1979-81 – City of Wenatchee for service on Parks Board
  • 1980-97 – Recognized eight times by the student governments and honor societies at Wenatchee Valley College and College of Marin for outstanding service and dedication to students
  • 1979 – Individual Supporting the Arts award from the Allied Arts Council of North Central Washington
  • 1977 – Co-chaired a Bicentennial year project that roofed the courtyard of a building at Wenatchee Valley College for which the Allied Arts Council of North Central Washington received the Washington State Governor’s Arts Award
  • 1954 – Edwin S. Fulop Public Speaking Award for commencement address at Union High School (NJ)

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  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training
  • Appreciative Process
  • Change Management
  • Consulting
  • Creative Thinking
  • Enneagram
  • Executive Coaching and Counseling
  • Goal Setting
  • Institutional Effectiveness
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Management Consulting
  • Organizational Development
  • Social Styles
  • Process Consultation
  • Strategic Planning
  • Teaching Effectiveness
  • Team Building
  • Trust Building
  • Vision

Charles Miller

Charles Miller

Charles R. Miller was a full-time member of the faculty at a northern California community college for 31 years, serving as an instructor, learning specialist and coordinator of faculty and staff development. He also served as adjunct faculty at the University of San Francisco and The Professional School of Psychology.

Charles was the vice president of Company of Experts.net for ten years. He is now an Expert on Call with the same company, specializing in Appreciative Inquiry and the Enneagram. He has been certified by COE.net as an Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator and as an Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training (AIFT©) Trainer.

Charles works as a consultant, facilitator, and trainer throughout the world. He was the national director of the Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW), a training program for college and university faculty. Miller has an extensive background in conducting workshops for faculty, staff, and colleges, including Active Learning, Appreciative Inquiry, Classroom Assessment, Collaborative Learning, Enneagram, Great Teaching Seminars, Instructional Skills Workshops, Presentation Skills Workshops, Relationship Training, Right to Succeed/Helping Students Succeed, Strategic Planning, and Student-Centered Instructional Principles & Practices©. His clients have included dozens of schools, community colleges, and four-year colleges and universities, including Concordia University in Montreal, Golden Gate University, Sonoma State University, and Samuel Merritt College. In 1995, Miller received the John Fry Individual Leadership Award from the National Council for Staff, Program and Organization Development. In 1996, he received the Lorraine Barry Individual Leadership Award from the California Community Colleges Council for Staff Development (4C/SD).

Charles has completed the coursework in a doctoral program in clinical and organizational psychology at The Professional School of Psychology in San Francisco. He holds a master of arts degree in psychology from Sonoma State University, a master of arts degree in English from San Francisco State University, and studied at Rikkyo University in Tokyo, and Mexico City College. He holds a bachelor of science degree in marine engineering from the California Maritime Academy.

Charles was trained as an Appreciative Inquiry practitioner by Jane Magruder Watkins and Ralph Kelly; and as an Executive Coach with an Appreciative Approach by Bill Bergquist and Kathleen O’Donnell. He is an Expert on Call with Company of Experts.net, co-Owner of Appreciative Inquiry Consulting (AIC), LLC, and a member of the Positive Change Corps.

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  • Active Learning
  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Training
  • Building Teams
  • Collaborative/ Cooperative Learning
  • Creating a positive environment for learning
  • Department Chair Training and Development
  • Emotional Intelligence across the curriculum
  • Enhancing adult motivation to learn
  • Enneagram
  • Experimental Learning
  • Self-esteem building
  • Faculty training and development
  • FISH! and FISH! sticks
  • Great teaching or great teacher seminars(TM)
  • Instructional Skills Workshops (ISW)(TM)
  • Instructional Skills Workshops (ISW) Facilitator Training(TM)
  • Leadership Training and Development
  • Outdoor Leadership Initiatives
  • Presentation Skills Workshops(TM)
  • Right to Succeed Workshops(TM)
  • Technology-Mediated Teaching (TMT) Facilitator Training(TM)