What is the purpose of the Experts on Call (EoC) Program?

Connecting with new clients is complex. Experts on Call share branding and name recognition to build new and enhanced connections with clients and other consultants world-wide. This is an important social network that combines professional identities with enhanced brand capacity.

  1. Build Community: to unify, to be a portal for collaboration for Experts on Call;
  2. Enhance Member Visibility: to help raise the brand profile of the members of the Experts on Call;
  3. Unified Brand Visibility: to increase the brand profile of the Experts on Call Program;
  4. Grow Business Opportunities: to broaden the reach of business opportunities and establish partnerships to increase the bottom line;
  5. Focus on Nurturing Aspects of Business: to provide collaboration so that Experts on Call focus on what they do best;
  6. Achieve High Client Satisfaction: to maintain the high rate of customer satisfaction and word-of-mouth reputation that we have been building since 1989.

Posted in: EoC FAQs