Category Archives: Expert on Call

TweetChats – #AskEoC

What is #AskEoC?

The purpose of our Twitter Chat (titled #AskEoC) is to come together to answer questions, address concerns, and share stories and resources around topics that are of interest to you. Experts on Call (EoCs) will be online and available to answer your questions, suggest readings, and provide additional resources to help you as you. A new topic will be picked each month based on the interests of the group.

Why Participate in #AskEoC?

Participating in our #AskEoC offers several benefits, such as: building community, making new friends, learning from others, connecting with experts in the field, and discussing interesting topics.

When is #AskEoC?

#AskEoC date and time is TBD. Please check back for dates and times.

Submit a Topic or Question:

What topics or questions would you most like to explore during an #AskEoC? Your curiosity and questions help to enhance the dialogue and learning for all those involved in the chat. Kindly send all chat questions to Kathy at Please be sure to add your Twitter name e.g. @yourtwittername so we can credit you with the questions during the chat.

Stay Informed:

The official Twitter account for #AskEoC is @ExpertCompany. Follow this twitter account to receive information about upcoming #AskEoC chats, exclusive offers, specials and discounts for various trainings, online programs, webinars and podcasts.  In addition to receiving discounts, we also post new events, as well as industry related videos and articles that my interest you and your colleagues.

Tweet Chat Instructions:

To participate in our #AskEoC, you will need to have a twitter account. Make sure you add a photo and brief bio about yourself so that we may get to know each other better as we exchange ideas, thoughts, links, and resources during the #AskEoC.

Below are additional links to help you learn more about Tweet Chat: