Tag Archives: Cheri Torres

Join the Conversation: AI in Schools

Our proposal for the 2012 WAIC was accepted. Next stop, Belgium. 

The Center for Appreciative Inquiry, a branch of the Company of Experts, is pleased to announce that its proposal, “The Macon Miracle: Connecting Strengths, Reinventing Education, and Helping Children Flourish”, was accepted for the 2012 World Appreciative Inquiry Conference in Ghent, Belgium.

This year’s World Appreciative Inquiry Conference (WAIC) emphasizes Appreciative Inquiry (AI) as “a theory and practice of connecting people and generating new possibilities”. In 2011, we had the opportunity to work with Bibb County School District in Macon, Georgia. The Macon Centreplax Arena was filled to near capacity with almost 4,500 people in attendance. Participants consisted of internal and external stakeholders, such as: teachers, janitorial staff, bus divers, parents, community members, and city and state officials. This is the largest AI Summit to date!

Superintendent Dr. Romain Dallemand’s mission was to design a new educational system with the collaborative efforts of the community at large. “Our District and community must decide where it wants to be 20 and 50 years from now, and that journey begins with building a new education system that meets the need of all children,” says Dr. Dallemand. “The new system will be built with the engagement of our entire community because that is the only way in which it will be successful.”

Using Appreciative Inquiry as our tool, we facilitated large and small group sessions to discuss the future of the District and community, as well as to begin identifying the goals, ideas, and strategies that would define “The Macon Miracle.” Our workshop proposal for WAIC noted that workshop participants will learn how the large-scale summit was organized, what emerged from the two days, and where the school district is headed next. In addition, workshop participants will engage in conversation around AI and strength-based schools, positive school culture, and innovative practices in teaching and learning from around the world. We invite those attending to join us in these exciting discussions.

We will keep you updated on the time and location of our presentation as details unfold.

Learn more about the ‘Macon Miracle’:
Visit the Macon Miracle landing page.
View videos from the Core Team and Summit here.
View pictures from Day 1 Summit here.
View pictures from Day 2 Summit here.

Learning to be Curious: the Heart of Appreciative Inquiry

Webinar Overview:

Appreciative Inquiry is not just about asking positive questions, its also about learning to see the world with fresh eyes, learning to open your mind, heart and will and from that place work with others to allow the future that wants to emerge to come through.  Peter Reason suggests we develop an attitude of inquiry about all of life and especially about our own perceptions and beliefs.  This highly experiential webinar will engage you in activities that will inspire self-reflection and leave you seeing the importance of engaging from a place of curiosity.

Designed For:

Everyone is welcome to participate in this webinar.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Develop an attitude of inquiry
  • Expand your capacity to open your mind, heart and will
  • Challenge your own perceptions and assumptions
Duration: Approximately 1 Hour
Price: $9.99 USD (for webinar recording only) [paid-downloads id=”1″]


Cheri Torres, Ph.D., has more than 30 years experience helping people and organizations expand their capacity for collaboration and excellence. She has worked in the public and private sectors in the US and around the world training trainers and facilitators, facilitating small and large groups, and providing professional development and organizational design consultation.

Cheri’s professional focus is grounded in the field of personal/ collaborative learning. Cheri helps people and organizations shift their workplace practices and design their systems for evolving sustainability. She believes that in today’s world, excellence is a function of learning and innovation and that these are natural outcomes for an appreciative inquiry-based, outcomes-focused organization. She partners with schools and organizations to expand their capacity for multiple ways of knowing, engagement and accountability, thinking together, and acting collaboratively. As a result people change they way they work together and how the organization is designed: a collaborative learning community evolves marked by open and positive relationships and the alignment of social and technical systems.

From Perfection to Sustainable Growth: Practicing the Art of Appreciative Inquiry

Webinar Overview:

Built to last is out . . . Designed to Evolve is in.  The notion of perfection can only exist in a static world.  We live in complex, dynamic times and only organizations and communities that are designed to evolve will be capable of sustainable growth.  This webinar explores four basic capacities necessary for self-evolving systems. Participants will leave the webinar with materials that will support interpersonal practices that support collaborative learning and innovation.

Designed For:

Managers, supervisors, CEOs, anyone working in an organization

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Introduction, practices and exercises associated with each of the four META capacities: Multiple ways of knowing, Engagement & accountability, Thinking together, and Acting collaboratively.
  2. Learn practical ways to take the “META practice” into the workplace and life.
Duration: Approximately 1 Hour
Price: $9.99 USD (for webinar recording only)
[paid-downloads id=”3″]


Dr. Cheri Torres has more than 30 years experience helping people and organizations expand their capacity for collaboration and excellence. She has worked in the public and private sectors in the US and around the world training trainers and facilitators, facilitating small and large groups, and providing professional development and organizational design consultation.

Cheri’s professional focus is grounded in the field of personal/ collaborative learning. Cheri helps people and organizations shift their workplace practices and design their systems for evolving sustainability. She believes that in today’s world, excellence is a function of learning and innovation and that these are natural outcomes for an appreciative inquiry-based, outcomes-focused organization. She partners with schools and organizations to expand their capacity for multiple ways of knowing, engagement and accountability, thinking together, and acting collaboratively. As a result people change they way they work together and how the organization is designed: a collaborative learning community evolves marked by open and positive relationships and the alignment of social and technical systems.

Cheri holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology with a specialization in Collaborative Learning from the University of Tennessee. She also holds an MBA, a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology, and level II certification in Spiral Dynamics Integral. She serves on the board for the Media Arts Project of Asheville, NC and has authored numerous books and articles including The Appreciative Facilitator: Accelerated Learning Practices, From Conflict to Collaboration, and Dynamic Relationships: Unleashing the Power of Appreciative Inquiry in Daily Living. She also co-designed and patented Mobile Team Challenge, an award-winning, portable low ropes course.  She is a member of the Society for Organizational Learning, the Taos Institute, the American Association of School Administrators, the International Organization for Noetic Sciences and Spiral Dynamics Integral.

Engaging in Difficult Conversations: Discussing What Matters Most

Webinar Overview:

There are certain conversations we all dread, such as delivering bad news, discussing sensitive subjects, confronting unprofessional behavior, or revealing unfavorable performance reviews. Regardless of the topic, difficult conversations occur at all levels of an organization. While it may be tempting to ignore the problems or delay the conversation, disregarding critical issues only creates additional problems and conflict – often resulting in a loss of productivity and engagement. Working in today’s competitive, fast-paced environment requires a broad foundation of leadership, communication, and people skills. The ability to engage in and facilitate difficult conversations effectively is one of the many challenges faced by many workers today.

This webinar offers a participative environment to demonstrate how practicing Appreciative Inquiry can help you solve problems, address issues, and engage in the important, crucial discussions we try so hard to avoid. Register today for this webinar and learn how to turn challenging conversations with difficult people into a foundation for improved relationships, enhanced morale, and increased productivity.

Designed For:

Individuals in all levels of an organization who wish to take a leadership role in creating and facilitating positive organizational culture and effective relationships are invited to join this webinar.

Learning Outcomes:

  • More mindful of daily conversations that create/maintain organization or community culture.
  • Reflect on the value of intentional conversation.
  • Identify what creates a culture of welcome that supports learning, innovation, and collaboration.
  • Identify types of conversations, including the important difficult conversations that are often avoided.
  • Address difficult conversations using Appreciative Inquiry and reflective practice.
  • Handle conflict and feedback in constructive and generative ways.
Duration: Approximately 1 Hour
Price: $9.99 USD (for webinar recording only)
[paid-downloads id=”8″]


Cheri Torres, PhD, has more than 30 years experience helping people and organizations expand their capacity for collaboration and excellence. She has worked in the public and private sectors in the US and around the world training trainers and facilitators, facilitating small and large groups, and providing professional development and organizational design consultation.

Cheri’s professional focus is grounded in the field of personal/ collaborative learning. Cheri helps people and organizations shift their workplace practices and design their systems for evolving sustainability. She believes that in today’s world, excellence is a function of learning and innovation and that these are natural outcomes for an appreciative inquiry-based, outcomes-focused organization. She partners with schools and organizations to expand their capacity for multiple ways of knowing, engagement and accountability, thinking together, and acting collaboratively. As a result people change they way they work together and how the organization is designed: a collaborative learning community evolves marked by open and positive relationships and the alignment of social and technical systems.